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Ducky P.O.V.

The blood is everywhere. Most of it's hers, but some of it's mine. I look down at the woman and finally make a connection of who it is. It's Orli Elbaz, Director of Mossad. She's dead. My hand is gushing blood, and I'm missing my thumb. I put pressure on my nub, and bend over and pick up my thumb that's in a pool of blood.

I go check on Tony to make sure he's alright and he looks fine. I run in to the emergency room to see Jethro come in through the doors with Ziva. She looks severely dehydrated and totally famished. Gibbs takes one look at my hand and rushes me over to a table.

"Jethro, I'm fine." I say.

" Duck, I'm gonna have someone reattach your thumb and then you can go check on Palmer. I'll stay with Ziva. Have McGee and Abby bring the twins and the other baby to the hospital and stay with Tony." Gibbs says quickly getting to the point.

Gibbs leaves and follows Ziva down the hallway. My thumb gets reattached, I check on Palmer who is out of surgery and doing fine, and call McGee.

" Timothy, how are you?"

"Better now, Ducky. How's Palmer? Tony? Ziva?"

" Palmer is out of surgery and doing fine. Ziva has been rescued and is getting some fluids in her as we speak. Tony was almost taken out at the hospital, so Gibbs wanted you, Abby, the twins, and Tony and Ziva's baby to come and keep an eye on him."

"Ok Duck, be there soon."

Tim hangs up, and I finally have the chance to take a nap.

NCIS McAbby and TivaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz