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Tony P.O.V.

Ziva has been recovering a little, but she still hasn't gotten her full memory back. She's started to remember some things like what happened to Ari, and she remembers Abby and McGee. I'm so proud of her. It must be hard to wake up and realize that you killed your brother... It was hard for Ziva to go through that pain the first time. The second time, it was even worse. She balled her eyes out and was crying the whole night. I laid in bed with her, and asked her one last question, " Would you like to meet our daughter now?"

Ziva looked at me with a loving look and wiped her last tear away. "Tony... I've been waiting all night for you to ask that question. Go get her, please. I can't wait to meet her!", Ziva says with a smile. I haven't seen that smile in soooo long, and I think the old Ziva is coming back. I give Ziva a kiss and say," Don't miss me too much." She laughs and I step out the door.

I run down the hall to the nursery, and tell the nurse," I'm here to pick up Baby Dinozzo. She's the cute one." The nurse nods and goes into the nursery... She comes out soon with a bewildered look on her face.

"Ummmmm... Mr. Dinozzo, she's not here.", the nurse replies looking at the sign out book," A man claiming to be you signed her out. I'm sorry... I don't know where she is?"

My heart is racing, and I feel like its about to explode. Ziva is going to be devastated. I walk back to the room, and Gibbs, Abby, McGee and their twins are there. Ziva looks at me, and notices that I don't have the baby.

"Tony. Whats wrong?", Ziva asks.

NCIS McAbby and TivaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz