[Chapter 6]

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Chanyeol sat down on his knees infront of Sehun,who was sobbing. "Are you okay?"He asked. The younger shooked his head. To be honest,the older was glad that Sehun didn't lied. He wanted Sehun to be comfortable with him.

"Need a hug?"Chanyeol asked softly. "Yes!"Sehun whispered but the older heard it. He pulled Sehun into a hug. The younger can feel the warmth. He hugged back. "It's ok Hun-ah"The older said trying to comfort the other.

"N.. nothing..no-nothing is..o..ok" He stuttered. He broke down. The other's heart broke into pieces when he heard the other crying. He hate to see people cry. And it was Sehun, crying..the one he loves..so ofcourse.. he hated it even more.

"Why are you crying because of that brat? He's just a bad guy.. don't listen to him.."He exclaimed, still not breaking the hug. "B-but sunbae-nim..was right.. I am not strong enough.."He answered. The older was a little shock how Sehun still talked about Kevin with so much respect,by addressing him as "sunbae-nim" after all that.

Literally an angel..

"And you believe that you're not strong..huh? Don't ever think of yourself like that Sehun-ah.."The older spoke. He continued speaking. "You're strong.. really you're..you are really a mature kid...".

"I'm not.. mature.. I cry a lot.."Sehun replied while sniffing. Chanyeol finally broke the hug and faced the younger but the other was looking at the ground. "Look at me"Chanyeol exclaimed. He wanted the other to look at him..but at the same time he didn't wanted as he knows his heart's going to explore. But this time it was serious.

He lifted his head as he looked at the older with a pout. "Listen to me.. this things are really important in life..1. Food,2. Smile or happiness and lastly no. 3. Tears or sorrow.."He said. He continued. "This three things are important in everyone's life..no matter what happens..one should always eat..and you should smile a lot..and if you are sad..you should cry.. it's a part of our life".

"Is it clear?"Chanyeol asked. "The younger nodded cutely. "Thank you!"He bowed. Chanyeol grinned. He pats the other's head. "Let's go.."Chanyeol said as he extended his arms towards the other. The younger smiled softly while nodding. He grabbed the older's arms as both of them started walking.


"Thank you for walking me home"Sehun said while bowing. The older chuckled. "It's nothing!". "Go inside now.."He said. "Aren't you gonna come inside?"He asked with a pout. Chanyeol cleared his throat,he went nuts after seeing the other being cute. He took a deep breath making the younger frowned. "Nope! Next time..".

"And..."Sehun spoke as he started playing with his fingers. Chanyeol raised his eyebrows. "Thanks for buying me bubble tea and a sandwich"He giggled. The other chuckled. "Aigooo...no need to thank me.."He stroked the younger's hair softly. "I'll go inside then"he pouted. The older nodded.

They waved at eachother as the younger got inside the house and the other headed towards his home.

For Chanyeol,it was sad.. really sad..he wanted to spent more time..but then he realised that he's going to meet Sehun everyday from now onwards. He giggled.


Chanyeol was walking through the hallway of the school. A girl from his class suddenly stood in front of him, blocking his way to move forward. "Yeri?". She smiled at the taller. "How can I help you?"Chanyeol asked coldly. Ofcourse he will not talk softly unless it's Sehun.

"There's something I want to say..". "Go ahead"Chanyeol replied. Yeri took a deep breath as she spoke. "I like you..be my boyfriend..". Chanyeol looked at her with a "WTF" like face. He sighs. "Yeri-ah"He spoke but he was cut off. "Is it a yes?". "You should listen to me first"He said. The girl disappointed ofcourse.

"There's someone I like..no I love..and that someone is not you.. I'm sorry"He said. She was disappointed as well as angry. She was the most beautiful girl the school,she believed and as well as some boys, so ego does exist in her. She never thought she will get rejected.

"Who's that bitch?"She asked as she raised her voice. "Yeri mind your language.. will you?"He said calmly. "JUST TELL ME.."She screamed as she caught everybody's attention.

"Why he need to answer every question you ask?".


Sorry if there's any mistakes.. don't forget to vote.


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