[Chapter 17]

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Few weeks later..

Sehun was heading towards home after studying in the library for hours with his friend. All he wanted was to go home and sleep peacefully. But all of a sudden, his tiredness was gone. He became energetic after seeing a familiar figure infront of him.

It was SUHO.

He decided to approach him as the older was all alone standing there, scrolling through his cellphone. One more thing the younger decided was to confess his love for Suho to him. He thought it's the right time. No one was there.

"You can do this Sehun!!"he said to himself as he stepped forward. He stopped as he stood infront of the other. He grabbed the shoulder straps of his backpack as he was nervous. He took a deep breath as he finally spoke.

"S-suho h-hyung".

Suho lifted his head up. "Oh you.. what's up kid?". Sehun's mood was ruined after hearing the word kid. "I.. I am not a kid..". The shorter chuckled."Uh- fine". "Hyung-nim.. I actually have something to..s-say"Sehun uttered while playing with his fingers."What is it?"Suho questioned as he slightly frowned.

"I.. I like you hyung".

There was silence. No one said anything. At first the older thought he's dreaming right now. But no! It's not a dream. He smiled awkwardly. "S-sehun-shi you.. you're kidding right?".

Sehun sighed. "If you don't like me..then say it directly.. I won't mind". "I do like you..but as a little brother..well the thing is I'm.. I'm dating someone.."The older stated. "I'm sorry Sehun.. don't worry.. you'll find someone better, that person will give you all the love you deserve.."He added as he smiled fondly.

The younger tried to control his tears. He flinched when he felt a tight hug from the other. Suho broke the hug. "I'll be leaving" he said as he pats the other's head. He left.
The younger broke down, not caring about the crowd's stare. He just cried.


2 hours passed away but the younger was still at the same place, crying mess.


He lifted his head up to see the person. "Chanie hyung"He said as he started crying again. He ran towards the other as he hugged him tightly. Chanyeol was dumbfounded, but still hugged back. Little did he knew that something happened. He let the younger cry while leaning on his shoulder.

Sehun calmed himself down. He broke the hug as he looked at the older. The older looked at him as well. "What happened? Did someone scold you? Did you get hurt? Are you missing your hyungs?"Chanyeol sounded worried.

"Hyung.. I got rejected.."He uttered. Chanyeol's eyes widened. He was happy, realising he still had a chance but at the same time he felt bad for the younger. On the other hand he was curious about the person who rejected a nice,loyal guy like Sehun. The person had some other reasons I guess he thought.

He shrugged off his thoughts. He payed his attention towards the younger. He cupped Sehun's face as he made the other look at him. "Are you okay?"Chanyeol asked. The other shooked his head.

"Don't worry.. you'll find someone better..forget about it.. it's okay". Sehun broke down. "Aigoo hey don't cry- don't..". "You want a bubble tea Hunie?"Chanyeol asked patting the younger's head. "NO!!"

(Bish I'm freaking tired so skipping it a bit)

After sometimes, Chanyeol carried Sehun in his home as he got sleepy due to crying for hours. They got inside the younger's bedroom and saw Vivi was sitting on the bed. The older wasn't startled as he knew that both Sehun and Vivi sleep together on the same bed.

He layed Sehun on the other side of the bed as he glanced at the pet. "Yay! Vivi..take care of him..make sure he eats before leaving for college tomorrow.. okay"he said rudely. In response, Vivi just barked.

Chanyeol bent down as he was about to place a kiss on the other's cheeks but wasn't succeeded cause the pet started barking. He was startled. He groaned. "There's no difference between you and that Johnny..both of you gets on my nerves"he yelled.


Sorry for not updating all this days.. I was really busy. Sorry if there's any mistakes.. I'll try to update the next chapter soon. Take care of yourself. I love you all❤️.

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