[Chapter 19]

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Next Day.

Chanyeol knocked at Sehun's door twice. They will be going to the wedding together. Chanyeol was checking the time constantly for the 5 mins. He knocked once again when he realised that Sehun didn't opened the door yet.

The door was finally opened by the younger. He glanced at the younger who was wearing a bathrobe. The older's eyes widened. He adjusted his necktie. "Hyung?"Sehun uttered. The other blinked twice. "Yeah?".

"What are you staring at?"he frowned. "Come inside already"he yelled. Chanyeol nodded as he got inside. "I'll go and get ready then"the younger stated. Chanyeol nodded.

Sehun was heading upstairs but he stopped suddenly then glared at the older. He noticed the other was wearing a black suit. He was looking perfect. He shrugged off his thoughts."Hyung!". "Huh?".

"You are hot!"he winked as he said that. Chanyeol's cheeks turned red. He didn't expect that compliment. He smiled nervously. Ofcourse he was freaking nervous. The compliment was fine,he always liked it when the younger compliments but the wink he received was unexpected.

"Thanks hehe"Chanyeol said. The younger chuckled. He headed towards his room.


Sehun looked at his reflection on the mirror. He himself was mesmerized after seeing his reflection. He combed his hair as he looked at himself once more. "Wwooww
how can someone be this beautiful..wow!".

He glared at the wrist watch as he saw the time

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He glared at the wrist watch as he saw the time. The older was waiting for him. He hurriedly went downstairs.


The older turned around. Park Chanyeol was stunned after seeing Sehun. "He's soo beautiful!"the older mumbled. He was daydreaming. Sehun frowned. He waved his hands infront of the other's face which stopped him from daydreaming.

"Why? Are you stunned after seeing me?"Sehun teased the other. "Yes!"Chanyeol said while nodding. The younger giggled.

"Aren't we late?"Sehun asked. Chanyeol nodded. "Yep! Let's go"He uttered offering his hands to the younger. The younger smiled as he grabbed the other's arms and went outside.


"Congratulations hyung!"Chanyeol said while hugging his colleague, Changmin. They broke the hug. "Dude I never knew you had a boyfriend"Changmin said pointing at Sehun,who was busy in clicking pictures of himself.

Chanyeol went nuts. He scoffed nervously. "I-it's not what you thi-think.. he's my friend's brother actually"he claimed. "Hey you are lying to me.. I saw you guys holding hands"The older stated. "I.. I..um-".

Chanyeol was cut off. "Changmin-ah your wife is looking for you.."Yunho, another colleague of Chanyeol said while coming towards them. Chanyeol sighed in relief,he don't have to explain anything to anyone now.

He then turned his gaze towards Sehun. He saw Sehun smiling. He chuckled. The younger was still clicking pictures of himself. "Cute"The taller mumbled.

"Do you like him that much?"Yunho said from behind. Chanyeol flinched. "Aahh you scared me". "What were you saying?"He asked Yunho.

"Do you like that guy that much? You were staring at him for all this time..".

He chuckled as he replied. "I do like him..a lot". Sehun appeared infront of him suddenly. "Hyung.. I clicked a lot pictures..see them"he sounded joyful.

"Then.. I'll leave.."Yunho said as he pats on Chanyeol's shoulder before leaving.

"Well you didn't heard anything right?"the older asked out of curiosity. The other shooked his head. "Then it's fine.."Chanyeol muttered.


"Food which is served in a wedding is the best part of the wedding..you know that"Sehun whispered in Chanyeol's ear. The older scoffed. "Baekhyun told you that?"he asked the other. Sehun nodded.

"Isn't it the truth?". "Probably!"Chanyeol answered. "Do you like the food?"the older asked smiling at the younger who was eating like a baby. Chanyeol pats on his head. "If you want to eat more,let me know okay?".



My exams are over.. woah.. I'm all good now.. hoping that my grades won't be disappointing * sighs * . I'm still writing the next chapter, I'll finish it soon and try to update.

Sorry if there's any mistakes!!

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