[Chapter 20]

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After the wedding was done,both of them left from there.

Both of them were inside Chanyeol's car. The older was driving and on the other hand the younger was scrolling through his cellphone while laying his head on Chanyeol's shoulder.

Few minutes later he put his phone down as he sighed deeply. He looked at Chanyeol who was focusing in driving. All of a sudden he found himself staring at Chanyeol's lips. He touched the other's jawline but the older was not at all bothered. He was focused on driving.

Sehun suddenly placed a kiss on the older's cheeks then back away. He himself was surprised about what he did. He cheeks turned red. Meanwhile Chanyeol was still processing what just happened. His eyes were wide open.

Was that a dream? He asked himself. He touched his cheeks. He was blushing. "Sehun-ah did you just-"he couldn't finish his words as the younger spoke.


"You w-were d..drunk or-AAAHHHH"He screamed in pain as he realised Sehun was grabbing his hair. "Can we not talk about that?"the younger yelled as he tighten the grip. "Uh fine but my hair..". Sehun removed his hands from Chanyeol's hair.

"He's soo scary"Chanyeol mumbled while fixing his hair. The younger rolled his eyes as he looked down at his feets. He started playing with his fingers. He seemed really bothered. He was questioning himself all the time why did he even kissed Chanyeol's cheeks.


"We're here"Chanyeol stated as he stopped the engine in front of the younger's house.
"Hm.. I'm leaving..drive home safely.. and"

"And?"Chanyeol frowned.

"Sorry for grabbing your hair"Sehun pouted. The older chuckled. "It's okay".He opened the car's door as he ran away from there. Chanyeol left when he saw the younger was inside. Chanyeol scoffed.

"He's adorable".


Sehun barged into his bedroom as he jumped in his bed. He hid himself under the blanket as he screamed.

"What if he felt bad that I kissed him on the cheeks..?"

"He will not tell my hyung about this right? If he does that.. I'll disappear.."

He said as he sat down. "For the first time in my life I blushed hard bcuz of Chanyeol hyung.. I can feel my cheeks are still red.."He said to himself.

"Do I..like him?".

He thought. He shooked his head. "Nah nah.. maybe I should just.. stop thinking and sleep".


Few days passed away. Sehun decided not to think about Yeol but he just couldn't. He never this way. He had always thought of Chanyeol as a brother but now it was a little different. Maybe he's in love.. oh yeah he is.


Sehun dialed Chanyeol's number. After sometime the older answered the call.

"Glad that you still remembered me.."

Sehun scoffed.
"Why it's my fault? You also haven't contacted me"

"You didn't call me to argue right?"

"Ofcourse not. Well the thing that there's something I want to tell you.. you're free?"

The younger asked as he pout. He was nervous.

"Fine..tell me-"
He was cut off.

"Let's meet.. at the restaurant near my house"

Chanyeol was a little confused. He wondered what Sehun wanted to tell him.

"See you then.. wait for me"
Chanyeol said as he hung up after that.

Sehun kept his phone inside his pocket as he stood up. He looked at himself in the mirror. "You can do this Sehun-ie"he exclaimed as he headed outside.


"Did you wait for long?"Chanyeol asked sitting on the chair. Sehun nodded as no. The older noticed that the other was playing with his fingers. He does it whenever he's nervous.

"Is everything alright?"Chanyeol asked as he frowned."Yes yes.."the younger answered. "So there's something I want to say..".

"Go ahead!"

"First of all you'll not overreact okay?". The older sighed."OKAY!".

Sehun closed his eyes as he took a deep breath. He exhaled as he opened his eyes. Chanyeol raised his eyebrows. He was a bit confused.

"I like you..."

"Whaaattttt the-"The older screamed as he was staring at the younger in disbelief. For a moment he thought he was dreaming.

"I like you hyung..a lot.. I feel like I..have always liked you but.. I guess.. just realised it now only"Sehun said as he laughed nervously. He looked down as he started playing with his fingers again.

"If..you don't like..me.. it's o-okay-"the younger paused for a moment as he heard sobs. He looked at Chanyeol as he saw the older sobbing. He noticed Chanyeol wiping his tears.

"Chanyeol hyung?".

"Yaa why..are you crying?"Sehun asked. He sounded worried.

"It's cause I..um am very happy.. I've always liked you.. I never thought you'll..like.. me back.. that's why"Chanyeol stated as he teared up once again. He soon wiped his tears as he stated "I.. like you too..be my boyfriend"

Sehun grinned as he stood up and went near Chanyeol. He hugged the older tightly as he answered. "YEP!!"he giggled. Chanyeol hugged back.

"So you read the book I gave.. I thought you forgot about it"Chanyeol stated. Sehun broke the hug as he frowned. "What book are you talking about?"he asked.

"The book I gave you in 13th birthday"he answered. "Aahhh that.. I have not read it yet"Sehun uttered as he pouted. "What's with that book?"he asked as his eyes lighten up.

Chanyeol went nuts. He was never gonna expose what's inside that book..NEVER! "Read it and get to know on your own don't ask me"whined Chanyeol. Sehun chuckled as he kissed the other's cheeks. "You look cute when you whine"stated the younger.

Sorry if there's any mistakes.

-----------Sorry if there's any mistakes

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Happy Birthday Minseok-ie.. our fake maknae.. I still can't believe that he's already 32.. thank you for existing Minseok. I love you soo much. Please be happy all the time. You are the best!!❤️

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