[Chapter 7]

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Baekhyun said coming towards them. Yeri rolled his eyes. "I'm not talking to you..shut your mouth.."She said. "I would like you to shut up.."Chanyeol answered. "Find someone else.. I have someone else..."He walked away. Baekhyun glared at the girl as he followed his friend.

"Is there really someone you like?"Baekhyun asked. "Shut up..will you?"The taller rolled his eyes. The shorter whined. "I'm your friend..tell me..". The other sighs. "Yes..happy?". The shorter's eyes widened. "Wooowww.. who's that unlucky person..?"Baekhyun teased.

"YAAYY-"Chanyeol yelled. "Just kidding..by the way.. should I arrange a date for you and your crush?". The taller smiled at his supportive friend. "No.. thanks bro!"He said as he pats the other's head. "I told you not to pat my head..my hair get ruined.."He yelled fixing his hair.

The other scoffed. "Well who's your crush? I know him?"Baekhyun asked curiously. "You know him very well dude"Chanyeol whispered. "Whatttttttt?"The shorter questioned. "Uh- nothing.. I'll tell you later.. it's not the right time"He answered. The shorter rolled his eyes.

"BTW why you followed me.. when you knew I was coming to the library.."Chanyeol asked as both of them stopped infront of the library. "Well Sehun is studying in the library.."He said. "Really?"The taller's eyes lighten up.

"You sound happy..."the shorter frown. Chanyeol looses his sh!t.. ofcourse. "LET'S GET INSIDE!"Chanyeol said as he got inside.. leaving the confuse Baekhyun behind.

They got inside as they stood infront of Sehun. The younger lifted his head as he smiled. "You're doing well right?"Baekhyun asked. He sounded concern. Sehun nodded.
"If someone disturb you..tell me.. I will break there bones..". "Hyung-shi..no violence!"Sehun mentioned. Chanyeol chuckled."Whatever.."Baekhyun rolled his eyes. "I'm leaving"He said as he stroked the younger's hair softly. He left.

"Chanie hyung..come sit beside me.."He said as he pats on the chair beside him. The older chuckled. "Let me get the book first.."Chanyeol answered as the younger nodded.

Chanyeol was busy finding the book he wants meanwhile someone's voice startled him. "Don't tell me that kid is the one you like Park Chanyeol". He looked at the person. He knew who was the person. He glared at the person."Yes Kim Ye-rim he's the one..you got a problem?"He answered as he rolled his eyes.

Yeri scoffed. "So you're gay!". "Yes I am..there's nothing to be ashamed of "He said. "Yeah.. whatever.."she rolled her eyes. "It's ok if you hate me.. I don't care.."He scoffed as he excused himself. "Do you think I'll give up so easily huh?"She said raising her eyebrows.  He sighs as he stopped walking."Waste your energy then.. who's stopping you..but you'll never get me"He said smirking. He left to see Sehun.


Next day~

It was lunch..like always 4 of them.. Chanyeol,Sehun, Baekhyun and Johnny having there lunch..but the tall giant,Park Chanyeol seems to be upset for some reason. Everyone noticed ofcourse. Except one person, that's Baekhyun..the other two don't have guts to ask what's wrong with Chanyeol.. moreover they are younger than the other two.

"Park Chanyeol"Baekhyun called out. No response. "Chanyeol-ah"He called out once again. No response. The shorter looses his temper."CHANYEOL"He shouts making the littles flinch as well as the taller.

"Hm?". "What's wrong?"He asked his friend worriedly. "Nothing.."He replied faking a smile. Meanwhile Sehun looked worried. He wondered as well what's up with his Chanie hyung.

"I know you since kindergarten..jerk c'mon tell me.."Baekhyun yelled. The other sighs."My parents are going to get divorced!"Chanyeol answered. The other three covered there mouths in shock.

A/N : Baekhyun and Chanyeol knows eachother from kindergarten.. went to the same middle school and now attending the same fvcking highschool but Yeol never got a chance to meet Sehun..woah woah woah..lol.. only I can write this type of sh!t..darn..but now it can't be changed.. whatever..



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I'm soooo happy..my happiness really can't be expressed in words trust me... I'm crying literally..

 I'm crying literally

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P.s. : it's my favourite picture of Jongdae of all time. His smile.. I mean..BEST BOY..I LOVE HIM SO MUCH..WE ALL DO!

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