[Chapter 13]

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Time Skip to Sehun's birthday!

It was already morning. The younger was showered with soo much love by his hyungs. He finally turned 13 woah!!!!! "Sehun-shi.. happy birthday..woo!"Baekhyun yelled. "Gonna give you your present at night"he added. "Me too.. gonna give you your present at night!!"Xiumin said.

"KIM SEHUN!!!!!!"Chen screamed as he entered the house making the three brothers startled. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!". Sehun awkwardly laughed. "T-thanks". Chen handed him his gift. "You scared us..are you allowed to scream?"Baekhyun yelled. The older giggled. Sunshine out there.

"You're here"Xiumin smiled at his boyfriend. He nodded as he stroked the other's hair. He pecked on Xiumin's cheeks which made the shorter blush. "NO ROMANCE IS ALLOWED IN THE LIVING ROOM!!!"Baekhyun shouted as he glared at the other two. Chen rolled his eyes.


"You two came together?"Baekhyun asked as he saw Chanyeol and Johnny standing near the door. "Yep! Met this brat on the way.."Chanyeol rolled his eyes. So did Johnny. "Come inside!"Baekhyun said sighing.

Sehun waved at them as he saw them walking inside. "Yoo happy birthday bro~"Johnny exclaimed. "Thanks!" The other replied as he accepted the gift given by his friend.

"You made a card for me by yourself..aigoo thank you"He exclaimed as his eyes lighten up.

Chanyeol chuckled.

"Here this is for you!"He said handing the younger a book. "Happy Birthday Hun-ah!"the taller said, smiling fondly at the younger. So much love in the eyes..it was visible. He pats the other's head. Sehun blushed ofcourse.

"Well read this book when you'll turn 20"Chanyeol said. "There are few things in the book you won't understand..now..so don't read it now"He added. Sehun just nodded as he smiled and went to his hyungs.

Chanyeol sat down on the couch. Then Johnny came and sat next to him. The older was surely annoyed. He wasn't ready to get teased. "What's wrong with the book? Why he have to read that fvcking-"he was cut off. "YOU ARE CURSING?"Chanyeol panicked as he stopped scrolling through his phone.

"Y-yeah..". "Let me finish.."he added. "Why he should read that book later..not now?"he asked but the other didn't responded. The younger sighed. "Well hyung-nim.. what's the genre of the book?". "Romance!"the older said resting his head on the couch.

"Rather than gifting him that book..you should have confessed your love to him"he whispered in the other's ear. The older glared at him. "One more word..and I'll throw you out of the window" Chanyeol warned.

"One more word!!!" Johnny mumbled as he giggled. He ran away afterwards.  He was really getting on the other's nerves. He wanted to throw that brat out of the window. He thought his best friend is the one who annoys him the most but no..not at all. All he wants is justice :(


"You should sleep over.. I know you're dying to sleep with my Minseok hyung"Baekhyun exclaimed. Ohho!! Seems like the guy exposed Angel Chen. No not sex.. cuddling is okay for now. "Baekhyun!"the older shouts at his brother.  The younger flinched.

"Sorry for interrupting but..umm I.. I am leaving!"Chanyeol caught everyone's attention. "Let's sleep over.. Chan.. let's watch a movie c'mon!"Baekhyun answered. "Movie? Seriously? Aren't you tired..? Please I wanna go home and sleep peacefully"the taller whined.

"You should not talk about peace..you ain't getting any peace cause I'm your friend.."he winked. He dragged the taller out.

"Chanie hyung.. you're gonna stay?"Sehun asked as he lifted his head. The taller bent down as he nodded. "Then... good night.."He uttered. "Yes.. good night!! Sleep well"he said stroking the other's hair. The younger grinned.

"Let's go Johnny-ah"he said as he grabbed his friend's hands. He waved at his hyung as he got inside his room along with Johnny and his love Vivi.

Chanyeol sighed deeply.

"Look Baekhyun.. I want to sleep... please..-". "Shh..let me listen to there conversation first!"the shorter said. The taller stared at him in disbelief. Once again he realised, his best friend loves listening to other's conversation and tease them later about that.

"Minseok..do you really want me to stay?"Jongdae asked caressing the shorter's cheeks.

Xiumin nodded shyly.

"I would like you to speak up Minseok-shi".

"Yes..stay.." the shorter uttered.

Jongdae can feel his heart skipped a beat. How can someone be this much cute?


"Can't believe we're going to graduate in few days..ahhh.. I don't have to go to that hell anymore.."Baekhyun exclaimed. The taller agreed. "Baekhyun-shi.. I have something to say"He said as he bite his lips. "What?".

"I.. I.."he stuttered. "I like your brother!"He finally said after gaining some courage. "Which one?"Baekhyun asked casually, looking at his friend. The taller sighed. "Sehunie~"he uttered.

"I'm not shocked.. this is not the first time.. everytime someone meets Hun and they finds him cute..they be like I wish he was my brother"He stated as he scoffed.

The other bite his lower lip once again cause he was soo nervous. He took a deep breath as he said "Not in that way-"

Baekhyun glared at him. The older was definitely loosing his sh!t. There was an awkward silence but suddenly the shorter burst into laughter. The other was confused. "Rascal.. I'm serious.."Chanyeol yelled. "Yeah..me too..".

"I know that you're maaddddly in love with Sehun-ie.." Baekhyun stated. "Who's stopping you from loving him? Everyone is allowed to fall in love". He added. The taller smiled internally. "Thanks!". "I'm a supportive friend..at the same time a protective brother..if I see you hurting him..trust me I'm gonna kill you"Baekhyun said glancing at his friend.

"Have faith in me.. I won't hurt Sehun..".

The shorter grinned.


Sorry if there's any mistakes..

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