[Chapter 11]

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Both of them looked at the person. Chanyeol's eyes widened. He was like WTF. "Eomma?"He called out. Sehun took his hands off from the older's cheeks. He stood up and bowed down as he greeted the other's mother. "Annyeong Mrs. Park.. I'm Kim Sehun. I'm Chanie hyung's friend's brother"He grinned.

His mother smiled fondly. "Hii~". "You've never greeted me like that"Chanyeol's mom teased him. "Yeah~ whatever"He rolled his eyes. Sehun lifted his head up as he looked at the older. "Greet your mom hyung!". The other raised his eyebrows. He sighed. He bowed towards his mom. His mom tried to hide her smile.


"Soo- what's up eomma?"Chanyeol said as he started eating the dumplings made by his mother. "Should I go somewhere and eat so that you guys can talk privately?"Sehun said politely. The older and his mother chuckled. "It's ok baby"His mom said stroking the younger's hair.

"Sooo.."His mom spoke. Chanyeol frowned. "I'm going on a date!" His mom announced. Chanyeol choked on his food. He stared at his mom in disbelief. "Congratulations Mrs. Park..it will go well I guess"The younger smiled.

His mom smiled at the younger. "Chanyeol-ah? Are you okay with this?"His mom asked. He sighed deeply. "You should...g-g-go.. I.. won't mind.." He said as he stuttered. "Chanyeol-shi if you don't want.. I won't go". "You should not give up on your happiness.. I just need some time to accept all this that's it!". His mom pulled him into a warm hug.

Sehun was just looking at them with a pout. He wished he had a mom as well. They broke the hug. "Well... your boyfriend is divorced as well?"Chanyeol asked curiously. His mom shooked her head."Well.. I.. he's younger than me..he said I'm his first love..but it's hard to believe.."She scoffed.

"W-wha-what's the a-age g-gap?"Chanyeol stuttered. She sighed. "He's 10 younger than me". The younger was not paying any attention to the son and the mom..well food is more important! Chanyeol's eyes widened. He was a little bit shocked. He swallowed his saliva. He didn't know how to react. Then he realised that he's also in love with a guy who's younger than him. If he's allowed to love someone younger than him, then why his mom can't?

He sighed. He smiled at his mom. "It's okay..as long as the guy make you feel special"He said as his mother smiled in relief. She thought that her son will be annoyed with this but Chanyeol was fine with it.


At night..

Sehun was sitting on Chanyeol's bed while the older was sitting beside him on a chair. "Sehun-ah?"He called out. The younger hummed in response. "From next time..if..if something happens.. don't run away from home.."He said as he stroked the younger's hair.

Sehun started playing with his fingers like always duh! His vision started getting blurry as tears started falling. He started sobbing. The older looked down as he bite his lips. He couldn't see the younger cry.

"I..m-m-miss my hyungs and my Vivi"he said as he cried even more. Chanyeol sighed deeply. He pulled the younger into a tight yet a comforting hug. Sehun hugged back.

After a while the younger stopped crying. "Thank you for comforting me!"He mumbled. The older chuckled as he heard that from the other. "Sleep already.."He said as he stood up from the chair. "If you need anything..just scream.. I'll be there in the living room"He added as he was heading towards the living room.

Meanwhile Sehun pulled the other by his shirt. The other turned around as he frowned. The boy pouted which was enough to melt the other's heart. He frowned as he kneeled down. "Don't.. g-g-go.. I.. I am scared..to sleep alone in this huge room.."He mumbled.

"You sleep with your hyungs when you're in your home? No right?"The other questioned in a soft tone. "Vivi sleeps beside me!". "Umm..by any chance..are..are you comparing with me with your Vivi?"He teased. Sehun shooked his head as he rolled his eyes.

Chanyeol sighed. "Fine!! Sleep on the bed.. I'll be sleeping on the couch---"he was cut off. "Sleep here!"The younger said while patting on the bed. The older refused but the younger was insisting. Ultimately the older gave up as he laid down beside the younger.

The younger went closer to the other as he hugged the older tightly. "Chanie hyung~". Chanyeol hummed in response as his eyes were closed. "You're soo warm.." He said as he buried his face in the older's chest. [A/N : IDK whether this sentence is right or not..lol forgive me :( ]. The older smiled internally. Instead of answering he hugged Sehun as he pecked on his forehead.

"Saranghae" Chanyeol uttered in a low tone so that the other can't hear it.


Sorry for not updating..my exams were going on.. and it's still not over🤡🤧 Sorry if there's any mistakes..


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