[Chapter 16]

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Baekhyun, having dinner in a luxurious restaurant alone after completing all the works in his office. Suddenly a guy approaches him. He looked at the guy. The guy reminds him of a penguin.

"Excuse me..can I sit here? All the seats here are booked.. actually".

Baekhyun nodded while wiping the mayonnaise away from his lips. The guy thanked him as he sat next to Baekhyun.

The guy was busy scrolling through his cellphone until he caught the other staring at him. He scoffed. He lifted his head up as he glared at the older. Baekhyun realised as he looked down at the floor.

"Look sir..umm I know that I'm beautiful but that doesn't mean you can stare at me all day" the guy teased the other. Meanwhile the other nodded as he blushed.

"Sorry"Baekhyun mumbled. "I was just wondering if you're Korean"he added. "Yes I am". "I am done.. I'll be leaving.."Baek uttered. "Umm can I have your number?"The older asked as he stood up. Damn.. he's soo brave.


The guy yelled, making Baekhyun startled.  "Your..your n-number"he asked again. "Why? You're gonna ask me out?"he other teased Baekhyun again. Baekhyun grinned as he nodded. The other found Baek very cute to be honest. "What's your name btw?"Baekhyun asked.

"Doh Kyungsoo".


"Thanks for buying me bubble tea hyung"Sehun grinned. The other patted his head. The younger choked on his bubble tea. "Shit.. what the heck"Sehun whined. "What happened?"Chanyeol asked as he frowned.

"My English professor!!".

Sehun hide himself behind Chanyeol. The older got confused. "Go and greet him them..why are you hiding..?". The younger glared at him. "I'm hiding under the table.. inform me when he'll leave".

30 mins later.

"Come outside..your professor left just now"Chanyeol said. He got no response.
He frowned. He bent down,he saw the younger looking at the floor without blinking.

"What's wrong?"The taller said as he leaned closer to the other. The younger came out as he sat on the floor only. "Why he was here for this long..my legs are hurting.. because of sitting in an uncomfortable position.."he broke down into tears.

Others, present there was watching the younger. Chanyeol sighed. "Sehun-ah.. it's okay.. c'mon I'll buy you another bubble tea..stop crying.."he said as he stroked the other's hair. "Fine but I'll kill him"Sehun claimed.

"He's your professor". "Whatever..help me so that I can stand up!!". The older helped the other to stand up. "Hyung?"Sehun called. The other noticed that the younger was playing with his fingers. To be honest he found this habit of Sehun really cute.

"What is it?"he asked. "Can you buy me 2 bubble tea? I couldn't enjoy the first one you bought me because of my professor..soo.."he stated. Chanyeol chuckled.

"You're cute".

Sehun blushed. "Hey..not at all..hihi"he giggles. The older can't handle this much cuteness of Sehun. He was so in love,damn.
He shrugged off his thoughts as he spoke. "Aahh fine..fine.. I will". "Let's go" the younger jumped in excitement. They held eachother's arms as they left.

As always too lazy to write anything else. I'll try to make the chapters long..🤧

Sorry for not updating.. I was busy...my final exams are starting from 28th February..ohh fvck.. 💀🤡🥺💔

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