Part 3: just as it was

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She lets the water wash away the horrible memories of the night. The heat helps to melt the tension in her body and she watches the remnants of her bodywash slip down the drain. She presses her palms against the shower wall and sighs, hanging her head as the showerhead beats down on her back. She keeps replaying the way Bucky slammed that guy against the wall, the way he looked - the rage that bubbled to the surface. It looked so comfortable in his body, as though it owned him.

Alice closes her eyes and shakes her head, trying to rid her brain of anything related to him .

She just wants to relax, but it's hard to do with that enormous lumberjack of a man invading her thoughts every second of every day. She wonders what he does for a living and where he gets the money to be coming to the club all the time.

Maybe he's a hitman with a heart of gold. Just like the movies.

She laughs at herself as she squirts shampoo onto her palm.

"You fucking idiot, Ali."

Alice massages the shampoo into her scalp and rinses it out before she turns the water off, steps out, and wraps a towel around her body. She checks her phone. A text from her mom.

Hi, baby. Just checking in. Text me when you can.

Alice smiles. Her parents are going through a rocky divorce. Her dad decided to have a midlife crisis and leave her mom for a much younger woman when he was on a business trip in Sicily. Her mother is a lot to deal with - slightly overbearing, but not necessarily disapproving of her occupation. "Whatever makes you happy, dear. I just wish you were still dancing... you know, normally."

Alice has a hard time not rolling her eyes. Her mom is trying, though. That's what's important.

All good here. Had a crappy date, but Sapphire and I are about to watch movies and turn in for the night. How are you?

Crappy date? With who? What's his name? And his mother's name? Address?

Alice laughs.

Just a guy from Bumble.

Ugh. Tried Bumble. Tinder too. Too many losers. Why do men think holding up a fish in their profile picture is impressive? Sorry about your date, sweetie. How's the job going?

Same as always.

Knee bothering you?

No, not really. I wear a brace to bed.

Finally listening to the doctor after all these years?

You're so funny, mom 🙄

I tease you because I care. Gonna go. Tired. Just wanted to check in. I love you, muffin.

I love you too, mom.

😘 night, babygirl

😘 night momma. Sleep well.

She puts her hair into a ponytail and pads to her bedroom to get changed while Sapphire waits for her on the couch. Alice leaves her phone on the bed and walks back out into the living room.

☽ ☾

"Wait, wait, wait... he slammed a dude against a wall?!" Sapphire asks.

Alice nods as she sips her beer. They're lounging on the couch in their pajamas, both of them draped in massive blankets and wrapped in fuzzy robes as they scroll through Netflix. They were supposed to find something to watch an hour ago, but they keep getting sidetracked by arguing about a shitty movie and diving back into discussion around Alice's very strange night.

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