Part 13: new horizons

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Alice holds his hand in the elevator. She can tell he's nervous by the way his eyes are focused on the buttons and the iron grip he has on her hand. When it stops a few floors below their destination and more people get on, he pulls her toward him - a possessive gesture, but one that also signals that he needs some comfort. She nuzzles her head into his chest and holds him tightly.

"You're okay," she whispers.

He kisses the top of her head and takes a deep, shaky breath. For someone who just escaped 70 years of brainwashing, he's doing pretty well in the chaos of the modern world. When they were at the diner earlier, he was charming the shit out of the waitress and flashing her dazzling smiles. Alice sees him - the real Bucky - for such short periods of time, but she even adores him when he's an anxious mess. She didn't expect him to want to come upstairs and face the brunt of Sapphire's chaos, but he did. It's a testament to his bravery as far as she's concerned. There aren't many men who want to square off with Sapphire, especially after a few margaritas.

When they finally get off on her floor, she grabs her keys and turns to him.

"I apologize in advance for the mess. If Jeff and Sapphire have been here for most of the day, Sapphire's underwear is probably on the floor."

He chuckles.

"I'll ignore it."

She smiles and opens the door. They're greeted by loud music. The Arctic Monkeys. Alice grins and holds Bucky's hand as they step inside.

"Hey, babe!" She calls.

"Aliiiii!" Sapphire squeals from the kitchen. She runs out in a t-shirt and shorts with a spatula in her hand and a margarita in the other. "I'm making tacos! Are you guys hungry?" Her eyes land on Bucky, who is taking off his shoes. Sapphire raises her eyebrows and grins. "He knows the rules?"

"I was very insistent that you hate shoe marks on the floors."

Sapphire grins.

"Hi, Bucky. I didn't think you'd show up."

He straightens up and flashes her a bashful grin. Alice watches Sapphire's iciness toward him melt in real time.

"It sounded fun," he tells her.

Sapphire grins.

"You're all right, Buchanan."

Bucky chuckles.


They follow her into the kitchen where Jeff is practically attached to the counter, chopping vegetables.

"Hi, Jeffy!"

He drops the knife on the counter and sighs.

"Hi, Alice."

She looks at Bucky and grins, who seems very confused.

"He hates when I call him that."

They sit down at the table near the window while Sapphire scrolls through her phone and picks another song.



"What's the vibe right now?"

Alice grins and leans back in her chair while Bucky watches her with a puzzled expression. She winks at him.

"I'm going to say--"

"If you say anything related to the 1980s, I'm kicking you out of this apartment."

Attachment Theory - Bucky BarnesxOCWhere stories live. Discover now