Part 15: i wish i was the moon

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Avengers Compound, New York

They step out of the Quinjet, exhausted and jet-lagged. Steve just wants a warm bed to sleep in where the springs don't dig into his back. Sam wants a good workout and a hot shower after an 8-hour flight. Steve places his palm on the keypad at the entrance to the tower.

"Welcome. Voice activation required."


Two beeps.

"Access denied."

Steve frowns.

"What the hell..."

"Maybe he changed it?" Sam asks.

"This is the first time I've used it. Did yours do this?"

"No, mine worked on the first try." Sam tries to get around him to use his voice recognition, but Steve holds him back and tries again.

"Steve Rogers."

"Access denied."

"Steven Grant Rogers."

"Access Denied."

"Captain America?"

"Access denied."

"Try Cap," Sam suggests. He leans over and yells "CAP!"

"It's voice activated!" Steve hisses.

Sam pauses and laughs like he did it on purpose.

"I know that."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," Sam mutters.

Steve grins.


"Access denied."

He sighs, shoulders slumping in defeat.


The door opens.

"Welcome, Capiscle."

Steve can hear Sam wheezing with laughter behind him and turns around, glaring at him.

"It's not funny."

Sam stops, struggling to maintain a straight face.

"You're right. It's not funny. That's disrespectful." He pauses and genuinely tries to keep a straight face. It lasts for all of ten seconds before he crumbles, keeling over laughing until he starts to cough. Steve shakes his head and Sam straightens up, putting his hand on his friend's shoulder. "I'm sorry, man. I'm sorry. It's so funny."

"Yeah, wait until he's got a nickname for you," Steve grumbles.

They take the elevator upstairs to Nat's office that's just beside her dorm. Steve very politely greets every single person on the way there. When they arrive, she's got her head down as she's reading softly aloud in Russian, brows knit tightly together. Sam almost feels guilty breaking her concentration, but she said to come by when they got back. He tosses a big box of macaroons onto her desk. They land with a soft thunk. Her eyes go wide and she looks up to find him and Steve standing over her. She gasps and greedily grabs the box, pulling it toward her.

"You guys are my favorites. Have I told you that lately?"

"Capsicle?" Steve asks.

Nat blinks.


"The voice recognition to get in here. Seriously, Nat. You have to talk to Tony about his professionalism."

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