Part 19: and it's all because of you

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Washington D.C.

Steve is happiest when he's getting what he wants, and right now, looking for this vault, he's absolutely fucking delighted. He's even pointing out birds as they fly overhead. Sam's pretty sure he gets most of them wrong.

"How long have we been hiking, Steve?!" Sam groans.

"About nine hours!"

Steve is way too chipper for this. Him and his endless goddamn stamina. Sam is dying. They've combed every inch of this park, and they still can't find the damn vault. He pulls out his phone to text Nat and doesn't get a signal.

"What the hell?"

"What?" Steve asks.

"No signal! It's 2014, why isn't there a signal in a national park?"

Steve shrugs.

"I don't really know how those things work."

"Oh believe me," Sam laughs. "I know."

He sighs, defeated.

"Should we go back to the car?"

"I'd like to keep going."

"Steve, we've been at this for nine hours. I'm tired, dude. And if I have to eat one more Nutrigrain bar, I'm gonna kill something." Steve is trying to hide his laughter behind a cough and failing miserably. Sam continues. "I'm serious, man! It's just dry ass bread with some jam inside of it! How is that nutritious?! I want a pizza, a beer, a bath, and a nap."

"Okay, Your Highness," Steve scoffs.

"Damn right."

They stand, looking around the barren woods. Steve looks up at the sky, spotting gray clouds rolling in.

"Looks like it might rain."

"All the more reason to try again tomorrow."

They start to head back to the car.

"Hey, did Nat say anything about it being underground?"

"What?" Sam asks. "What are you talking about?"

"Well, would you put a big ol' vault in a weird building in the middle of the woods?"

Sam groans.

"Dude, I don't know. Look, I wanna find this stuff as much as you do, but my feet are killing me."

Steve grins.

"Do you want me to carry you?"

"Ha-ha," Sam spits. "Do you do standup? Because that's hilarious."

"Thank you," Steve replies. "I've been told that I'm funny."

"Yeah, you're a riot, Rogers," Sam replies with a deadpan expression. Steve grins and practically skips ahead of him to the car. Sam grumbles. "How are you not dying right now?!"

"Super Soldier!" Steve calls, turning around and lifting his arms up. "Remember?"

"Cocky bastard," Sam whispers. Steve jogs ahead and Sam sighs. Just the sight of him running makes every muscle in Sam's body scream in pain. "OKAY, MAYBE I DO NEED YOU TO CARRY ME -- actually, you know what? Screw this." Sam hauls his backpack off his back and starts to put on his wings and goggles. He fastens the harness around his torso and fixes his goggles to his face.

Steve turns around.

"What are you doing?"

"I decided 'fuck this' I don't wanna walk anymore!" Sam shouts as he takes off into the air.

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