Part 45: changes

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"How did you meet Steve?" Sapphire asks, trailing her finger up and down Sam's chest. They're cuddled on the couch in the lounge watching TV, but mostly kissing each other.

"He lapped my ass while I was on a jog in DC."

Sapphire cackles.

"Are you serious?!"

"Yup, but he was so damn nice about it too. Mr. Polite."

Sapphire cups his face in her hands, pressing her lips to his. She hears Sam moan and giggles.

"I think you're polite too."

Sam grins. God, he's gorgeous.

"Mmm. I don't wanna be right now."

"Careful. Tony turned the cameras on."

"I have half a mind to give him a reason to turn them off," Sam rumbles as she climbs into his lap.

"Mr. Wilson?"

Sam sighs.

"What's up, JARVIS?"

"Mr. Stark kindly requests that you and Miss Reynolds do not engage in the horizontal mambo."

Sapphire throws her head back and howls with laughter.

"Thanks, dad!" She shouts at JARVIS. Sam snickers. They really do feel like two horny teenagers right now.

"Who calls it that?" She giggles.

"Tony," Sam says with a sigh. "Don't worry, JARVIS! We'll save it for the bedroom."

"Thank you, sir."

Sapphire giggles and presses her forehead to his. She likes Sam a lot. He's so different from any guy she's dated before. He's charming, sexy, enthusiastic, caring, and sensitive all rolled into one. The only problem is, she doesn't really know what this is or what they're doing. They connected fast. After Alice and Bucky left the lounge on the first night that Sapphire showed up to the compound, she and Sam were all over each other within ten minutes. It took one joke to get her to climb into his fucking lap and shove her tongue down his throat. Sam was more than happy to oblige her. They drank more margaritas and did unspeakable things in that lounge.

He's addicting, and he's a fucking great kisser — and he smells so good. She thought he would be nothing more than a temporary distraction, but the more she gets to know him, the more she realizes she really likes him as a person. He has all of the qualities she's been looking for in a boyfriend, but never really found before.

But she doesn't want to push it.

Part of her is still fucked up about Jeff. She can't really get him - or what he did to her - out of her head. She doesn't want to go back to Vegas by herself, but she also doesn't know how long she can stay here without overstaying her welcome. Tony is nice enough, and he's calmed down when it comes to her presence. They had breakfast together yesterday morning in the kitchen. He asked her about her job and when she told him he was a stripper, he just nodded and gave her the thumbs up.

"That's not an easy gig. Lotta creeps."

"I'm tough. Kicked a dude in the dick two days before I came here."

He smiles.

"Good for you."

Sapphire bites her lip.

"Okay, tell me more about how you got involved with the Avengers."

"Uh, it sort of involves Bucky," Sam laughs. "When we found out that SHIELD was just Hydra in a fancier suit, Steve needed help to take them down. I was in the Air Force, so I offered to help out with the mission and just kind of stayed on after that."

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