Part 26: see how deep the bullet lies

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The four of them take the elevator down to the lab. Bucky is nervous, keeping his eyes fixed on the numbers as the floors count down on the display. Alice can tell he doesn't like being in elevators, or in any closed space. He always tenses up the moment they step inside. It's quiet. Steve's eyes are on the floor while Sam fiddles with his phone, occasionally smiling when it dings. Alice pulls out her phone and finds some missed texts from Sapphire. She's been so busy for the past few days that she put her phone on Do Not Disturb and forgot about it.

Where the fuck are you? Sylvia said something about you needing more time off? Ali, what's going on?

And then another one.

Ali, please tell me you're safe. This isn't a joke. Your mom doesn't know where you are either.

There are more messages from her mother.

Alice, where are you?! Sapphire says you're with Bucky. Text me or her and let us know you're okay.

Shit. Those were both sent two days ago. She sighs. She's bad at keeping up with messages sometimes. Once she's focused on something, it's like she gets tunnel vision and nothing else matters. It's not that she means to drop off the face of the earth and ignore everyone in her life, it's just that it's been a batshit insane week. She's exhausted and disoriented. It's not easy being away from home and thrust into an entirely new situation that she doesn't have any control over. There's no normalcy in her life right now. It's just jumping from one chaotic situation to another. Alice quickly taps out a message to Sapphire.

Babe, I'm fine. Bucky and I are on vacation. We just want some more time together.

Her phone buzzes immediately. Damn, she's quick.

What's going on? Try being honest with me this time.

Alice swallows and looks around the elevator. Bucky isn't even looking at her.

We're getting Bucky some help for his PTSD.

That's vague enough, right?

Did he hurt you again?

No. Sapphire, I swear, I'm getting good dick and sleeping well.

She's only lying about the second half of that text.

Okay, thank God. For a second, I thought someone might have been impersonating you. Where the fuck are you?!

New York.

The elevator dings and Alice slips her phone into her pocket before the doors open. They step out into a large laboratory. Bruce is sitting at a table flipping through a book. His head snaps up as he hears their footsteps echo through the room.

"Hey!" He exclaims. "Right on time!"

Alice is clutching Bucky's hand for dear life. He got a new pair of gloves from the dresser. Steve got him multiple pairs. It was considerate of him to think about how self-conscious Bucky would be about the metal hand, even if it was only the five of them on the compound. He's told Alice that he just doesn't like the sight of it. It makes him sick, makes him remember the train and all of the horrible things he's done with that arm. Still, like the rest of him, she loves it. It's a part of him - flawed and scarred, but beautiful. She kisses his scars in the mornings when she wakes up before him hoping that, by osmosis, her love for him can somehow make things better. It's stupid and childish, but now it's become a ritual.

They approach - Sam and Steve leading the way while Bucky lingers behind. Alice turns to him and offers a smile, hugging him tightly. He kisses the top of her head as Bruce gets out of his chair.

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