Part 51: june hymn

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A/N: We're at the end! This has been an absolutely wild journey. I'm sad to bring it to an end, but I think it's time to leave Bucky and Alice's story here. Thank you everyone who has read this and voted and loved it as much as I have loved writing it. I know I said there would be smut in this, but it just didn't fit and I really wanted a nice, sugary sweet ending for these two. 

In this epilogue, there will be no purple space grape, no Snap, Tony is still alive, Steve will retire and handed the shield to Sam to live a quiet life in NYC. AS IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN.

"I'm nervous," Bucky whispers as Tony's jet flies over Wakanda.

"It's gonna be okay, pal," Steve says softly. "We'll get through this together."

Bucky nods as Steve and Alice wrap their arms around him. Alice kisses Bucky on the cheek.

"You're going to be fine, mon amour."

"Thanks, Ali."

"Listen to your wife," Steve says with a smile. "She's a smart woman."

Alice chuckles and they look up at the sky, watching Tony's Quinjet descend.

It's been a month since the wedding, and while Bucky and Alice have enjoyed marital bliss and navigating Bucky has also been trying to think of what he wants to say to Tony. More importantly, what he can do to make this right. The night after they were married, Bucky and Alice went to Shuri and told her about Bucky's memories of Howard and Maria. They also told Natasha, Steve, Sam, and Sapphire. Everyone was sympathetic to Bucky's plight, but Steve already knew that Howard and Maria Stark were killed by Hydra. He just didn't know who did it until now.

The news weighed heavily on Steve. He's close with Tony, looks up to him in a lot of ways - although their friendship is all about metaphorical pissing contests, so he would never actually admit that he admires the man. Steve agreed not to say anything until they sat down to have a real discussion.

The last month has been about trying to coordinate how best to tell Tony. Shuri and T'Challa suggested an open and honest conversation, where Bucky makes amends and offers to atone for what he's done. The atonement will be up to Stark, but Shuri has a feeling that everything will work out for the best. Besides, Bucky has a feeling about what Tony would want in return. Bucky would have to become an Avenger. He doesn't want to, but if that's what Tony wants and if that's what it takes to make things right, he'll do anything.

Bucky would remove his arm, and Tony would be checked for any tech and weapons at the palace. It'll make him suspicious, but it's the best way to ensure that all hell doesn't break loose in Wakanda. The Dora Milaje have enough of their plate. They don't need to be breaking up and all-out brawl.

He knows it wasn't him who killed Howard and Maria that night, but he feels a responsibility to make things right. He could run from this, but he chooses not to.

Sam, Sapphire, Steve, and Natasha have all spent the last week helping him and Alice prepare, going over what Bucky is going to say and how he's going to say it. He's so grateful. Truly. He couldn't do this alone. Alice is already struggling with her pregnancy, and her mother has been here to keep an eye on her. She's sick every morning and sleeping a lot, but otherwise, her and the baby are perfectly healthy - even if the baby is growing much faster than they anticipated. Alice is just excited that she might not have to go through a full nine months.

"Perks of having kids with a super soldier," the doctor laughed as Bucky held her hand through the ultrasound.

But she's here today. The doctor gave her some tea that helps with her nausea. She's been bright and happy this morning. Bucky couldn't do this without her. She's a ray of sunshine.

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