Part 8: small reprieves

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Alice changes into a tank top, a pair of jean shorts, and sneakers. The rest of the girls are slowly filing out, complaining that they're losing money tonight. Sylvia promises to make it up to them and doesn't take a cut of their tips. The door opens behind her and Sylvia walks in, making sure to close it tightly behind her to keep potential stragglers from coming in.

"You all right, kid?"

"Yeah," Alice replies. "All good. What the hell happened out there?"

Sylvia groans and flops down on the couch. Alice sits on the arm and rubs her shoulder.

"This guy was getting a little too handsy with Jessica. Really drunk, just being an asshole. Jeff caught him trying to grab her and told him he had to stop or security was going to kick him out. The guy flipped out, pulled out a knife from his jacket, and tried to stab Jeff. Fucking psychos." Sylvia puts her head in her hands and rubs her face. "I think I'm getting too old for this shit."

"You and I both know that's not true," Alice laughs.

"Okay, then. Too annoyed for this shit."

"That sounds more like you."

Sylvia smiles.

"Big Guy is waiting for you out by the bar. He fixed Jeff up."


Sylvia nods.

"Paramedics are still on their way, but he did a pretty damn good job patching him up temporarily and stopping the bleeding. Jeff was losing his shit." She laughs and shakes her head. "Fuckin' drama queen."

Alice's heart soars.

"What a sweetheart."

"I told him his next few drinks are on the house. Asked him if he wanted a job working security, but he very graciously turned me down."

Alice chuckles.

"I'm glad he didn't take it," she teases. "He pays my rent."

"Yeah, a bit of a conflict of interest." Sylvia pats her on the knee. "You really like him, don't you?"

"Is that bad?"

"Not at all. It's like I told you earlier, just make sure you're careful."

"I will." She takes a deep breath. "We're actually going for a drink. Just as friends."


Alice laughs.

"Did you expect it?"

"I figured something might happen between you two. I've seen the way he looks at you." She searches Alice's anxious eyes. "Don't worry, Ali. You're not in trouble."


Sylvia leans her head back and stares at her.

"You should get out there. I think your friend is waiting for you."

"I resent the way you said that," Alice replies.

"Go have fun, kiddo. You only get one shot at life."

She gives Sylvia a small hug, grabs her purse, and floats out the lounge door. The club is basically empty. Brian and the other security guards are talking to the cops, giving a report. Bucky is lingering by the entrance while Sapphire fawns over Jeff and tells the paramedics exactly what happened even though she wasn't even there. Alice touches her shoulder gently.

"I'm going for a drink with Bucky."

Sapphire's eyes go wide.

"I thought so. I saw the way he was holding you back there."

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