Part 18: amsterdam

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Bucky has to leave the next day after Alice books some hotels for them to stay in along the way to D.C.

"You don't just show up and ask for a room?"

"Maybe at a roach motel, but we're trying to avoid those."


He lingers in the doorway, kissing her even though he said he "had to go" about an hour earlier. The bruises on his face and torso have completely healed, and she runs her fingers through his hair, holding his hand until he walks away and they finally have to break contact. The second he leaves steps into the elevator, she misses him.

It's kind of sad.

They agree to meet up that night, just before 5:00pm, so she has a few hours to kill. Bucky wants to drive through the night, he says the drive will keep his mind off of the nightmares. Alice worries about him. It can't be healthy to stay awake for that long - but then again, he said he's been asleep for most of his life.

Alice showers and styles her hair in big loose curls. She knows they'll be driving all night, but she still wants to look nice for him. It's been a long time since she's wanted to put this much effort into impressing a guy. She's packing a duffel bag on the coffee table while she watches TV when Sapphire comes home, dramatically slamming the door behind her.

"Hey, I thought we could --" she stops and points at the bag. "Are you staying at Bucky's tonight?"

"Actually, we're going on a little vacation. Startiiiing tonight."


"Washington D.C."

Sapphire grimaces.

"Why? There's nothing fun there."

Alice panics, trying to come up with a lie to cover her ass. She wants to tell Sapphire the truth, but the more people who know about Bucky, the less safe he is. The last thing she wants to do is jeopardize his security when he's already constantly looking over his shoulder. He pretends the pressure of being on the run doesn't affect him, but every time there's a knock at the door, he jumps up and his eyes fill with terror wondering if this is going to be his last day as a free man.

"Mostly we just wanna drive across the country. You know, before the end of the summer."

"You're driving?!" Sapphire makes a disgusted face.

"What's wrong with driving?"

"Stuck in a sweaty ass car all day? No thanks. I'll take the plane ride."

Alice shrugs. Sapphire senses that something's off and that makes Alice nervous. She watches as her best friend crosses her arms over her chest, and her eyes narrow as she tilts her head.

"How long have you known this man?"

"As a person?" Alice asks.


Alice sighs.

"Not long," she mutters.

"And you're going on a vacation..."

"That's what couples do, right? It's a normal couple thing."

Sapphire sits down on the couch.

"I guess that's true. How long are you gone for?"

"Two weeks."

"Two weeks?! Who the fuck am I supposed to watch TV with for two weeks?"


Attachment Theory - Bucky BarnesxOCWhere stories live. Discover now