Part 11: albatross

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Paris, France

Steve watches the streets below from the safehouse window while Sam steps out of the bathroom in his jeans, water dripping off of his chest and dog tags.

"You're wasting your time," he says.

Steve doesn't turn around, he just does that thing he does where he leans forward and looks really intense - it's the same look he always has when he's really looking for something. Or someone. Sam calls it his old man squint. He doesn't know why Steve does it, his eyes work better than fine.

"We're hitting four small villages over the next week. He's not going to be here in the biggest city in France."

"Why not?" Steve asks, turning around. Sam can see the gears in his head turning. He crosses his arms over his chest and bites his lip. "If you were him, would you be hiding in some remote town with a few hundred people? A guy like him sticks out like a sore thumb."

"You're also forgetting he's had 70 years of training. He knows how to go undercover, Steve. If I had his skillset, I'd be sitting pretty in the most remote place on earth. He can run for years."

Steve runs a hand through his hair.

"I don't know," he mumbles. "It was just a thought."

"It was a good one, but you're thinking too much like someone who's had a normal upbringing. This dude was trained by monsters to be a monster--"

"He's not a monster, Sam."

Sam sighs.

"Look, I know you care about him, but you can't deny what he's done."

"I'm not trying to," Steve snaps.

Sam is starting to realize why Stark told him to be careful when he decided to go on this mission to find the Winter Soldier. When Steve makes his mind up about something or someone, it's impossible for him to be reasonable. The dude is the definition of "dig your heels into the sand."

"I'm not trying to start a fight with you, Steve," Sam whispers as he puts on his t-shirt.

"I know. I'm just -- you and Nat don't know Bucky like I do."

Sam is quiet, biting back what he really wants to say. Do you still know him? Instead, he walks into the kitchen and makes a cup of coffee.

"You want some?"


"You didn't sleep all night."

"Don't need to sleep," Steve replies.

Sam shrugs.

"Nat's texting us coordinates."

Steve nods, turning back to look out the window. Sam watches him, leaning up against the counter. He knows what Steve is feeling, the kind of bond that he and Bucky have is almost identical to the one he has with his sister. He'd do anything for Sarah, hunt anyone down who hurt her or his nephews. Sam has to keep reminding himself that Steve is, literally, a man out of time. No family, his history is ancient, and he has nothing connecting him to the modern world. He's still learning and trying to find himself. Sometimes Sam worries about his stability. He still sleeps on the floor of every safehouse they end up in, but he never really wants to talk about it. So, Sam lets it alone. He makes gentle suggestions, but Steve is stubborn as a mule.

About everything.

But especially this.

"We'll find him, Steve."

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