Chapter 91

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Khloe's POV*

"I- um." I watched as Niall sat up, clearing his throat before he continued with a panic look resting upon his structured face. His pink lips mashed together in a straight light before he continued. "What is it?"

I laid still, staring at him silently as I awaited for his dad to say whatever was necessary. I felt my heart pound in my chest, slowly increasing in speed at the thoughts of what could be possibly said.

Niall sighed loudly and leant his head down rubbing his eyes. I could physically see how hard this was for him to talk civilly to a person of which he'd built up so much hatred and repentance towards. As he kept the phone pressed to his ear, my fingernails gently ran soft patterns up his bare spine, lightly tracing invisible lines between each of the little freckles.

A look of annoyance mixed with agony crossed his bright blue eyes and I wasn't so sure I wanted to know what was being said anymore.

I hated to see him upset. Niall was fragile whether most people new that or not. He wasn't one to normally show it --always laughing and smiling-- but deep in the inside he really couldn't hide it. Not from me anyways. He'd been put through so much pain in his life and I just wished that his dad would just leave him alone and let him be.

Niall was a twenty one year old guy, he wasn't a kid anymore. He didn't need his father to control his every move anymore, but it seemed like that's all he knew how to do. He didn't know how to fight against him, or maybe he feared to, so he just ended up giving into his situations, not even realizing that it only made the problems worse.

"Niall..." I whispered. He glanced to me and put his finger against his lip before bringing the cellphone down from his ear and putting it on speaker.

The rough and ragged sound of his fathers voice was not one that I'd missed. It only brought back the horrid memories of which I wished to never remember.

It was suddenly as if all I could see was Niall's head being slammed into the brick wall as his dad plunged a foot into his stomach. I suddenly felt very sick, very fast.

"-I can't have them looking down at me for this, Niall. I'll even pay you. All I ask is that you show up, dressed nicely and the girl as well."

"You're so fucking disgusting." Niall shook his head, his cheeks turning a rosy color.

"Fucking hell, Niall Horan. I am your goddamn father-"

Niall laughed loudly, tipping his head back. "Do you even hear yourself?! Trying to pay me into going this little event so you can be viewed as a higher man than what you really are? God, you're so sick. You're definitely not my father and you never will be."

"Niall, dammit! I gave you a life in this goddamn world and I can certainly take you out of it."

"Is that a threat?" Niall shot back, shrugging his shoulders so my hand fell off them. I felt a little hurt at the fact that he didn't want my comfort, but I wasn't going to bring it up of course. He's under a lot of stress; I probably would be annoyed if someone was smothering me too.

"Fuck, Niall..." His father left out a loud, exasperated sigh and I could hear something crash in the background. Niall's eyes lifted to my own and I bit my lip. "Please just do this..." He begged. "I need this. You have no idea what could happen. People will start to ask questions and what am I supposed to say? Sorry my son couldn't make it because he had to go fuck some other girl in a bathroom stall?" Ouch. That hurt.

"Shut the fuck up." Niall seethed and gripped onto the comforter.

"The Débutante will be held in New York, New York on Christmas Eve at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel. Expect to be dressed in formal attire and to arrive no later than 9. I will have your room set up and paid off for your arrival."

Frozen (Frat Boy Niall) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now