Chapter 2

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My eyes fluttered open as the car came to a halt. I quickly took in my surroundings, looking around the large campus.

I cannot believe this is actually happening. 

People aimlessly roamed around looking for their buildings. Others sat in groups along the grass line, catching up with each other and reviewing their class schedules. A couple Ubers sat along the curbs as some gathered their bags out of the truncks. Cars in the parking lots ahead of us blasted music; people slowly nodding their heads to it as they walked by.

I've only been here for thirty seconds and I could already feel the freedom of the college life. I removed my headphones from my ears and turned to my mother who was staring at me with a wide grin. Giving an excitement filled giggle, I unbuckled my seatbelt and jumped out of the car.

This was so crazy! I couldn't wait to meet new people and to explore the campus and surroundings. All that I was really hoping for was that my roommate wasn't not a complete snob. Moving states, I knew absolutely no one and so I really just prayed that she and I got along.

Pulling my suitcases out of the trunk with the help of my mom, I raced over to the sidewalk. There were so many people, it was crazy. This was absolutely nothing like little ole' Palm Coast.

Check-in for the freshmen was being held in the library, which I think was a part of the east wing. My eyes glanced around—looking for any signs to lead me that way. Sure enough, there was a small sign wedged in the ground with a large white arrow pointing to the right with the words "FRESHMAN" written under it.

My mom rushed beside me, pulling the campus map out of her purse. What a lifesaver.

"Will this help?" She questioned as she unfolded it and found the section labeled 'Campus library- 6'. "It's right ahead," she pointed to the large brick building ahead.

 I smiled as I started walking that way with her by my side.

Checking in didn't take as long as I expected, maybe fifteen minutes.

All Mrs. Faye, the headmaster, had talked about was classes, parties, school policies, and dorm arrangements. Pretty boring stuff if you ask me.

I quickly grabbed my dorm key and campus emergency contact sheet, giving her a warm smile.

"What do you plan on doing for decorations and stuff?" My mom asked while she helped stroll one of my suitcases to the Chaparral Dorms.

"I was planning on doing that when you and dad brought my car over on Sunday," I replied, glancing at each number on the doors as we passed them.

Building 2.

I was staying in building four, on the second floor, in the eigth room. Also known as 4.2.08 which was supposedly at the end of the building hall.

We quickly made our way there, chatting lightly about my classes and her expectations for me. Of course she gave me the long and boring lecture on how drugs are bad, sex is to be protected and how the male must be checked for AIDS or HIV first. I rolled my eyes at her when she said that. I don't sleep around, she knows that. She then continued on about the parties and as soon as the words 'alcohol' left her perfectly painted lips, I tuned her out, searching for my dorm door.

Upon finally reaching the enterance, I placed the key next to the code box and waited for the red light to turn green. Once it did, I pulled my hand away and simultaneously opened the door to reveal a small room with two twin beds, a double closet, and two white desks. There was a small bathroom connected by a hall off to the side, and left to the door was a small kitchen with nothing but a refridgeror, microwave, and sink.

Frozen (Frat Boy Niall) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now