Chapter 29

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Gemma just stared down at me, a slight smile on her lips as I lay sprawled across our floor between the two beds.

The girls had all left and she was now showered, standing by the counter as she finished brushing through her hair.

"What are you doing?", she asked and I glanced up from my phone screen to her standing in a new outfit.

"More like, where are you going?" She smiled and did a full circle so I could get a better look at her blue summer dress.

"Kayden and I are going to see a movie? Did you want to come? I think he's bringing a few of his other friends."

"No, I think they'll be enough of a cock block with out me." She smiled at my words before turning and grabbing her white Keds.

"Okay, well have fun doing... what ever you were doing." I chuckled, and looked back to my phone screen. "Oh, and don't wait up." With that, she left the room; shutting the door behind her.

Peace and quiet at last.

Just then, a pounding was heard at the door.

Well that lasted long.

"Gemma, you have the key!", I yelled, chuckling. She better not have left it because I'm too lazy to get up and actually go get the door.

"It's not Gemma.", A deep voice recited, and my ears automatically perked up. I raised my eyes as I hazily stumbled up, walking the short distance to the door.

I'd be lying if I said that there were no butterflies about to explode inside me as I opened the door to reveal a Lucas Hemmings leaning against the frame.

He was dressed in black from head to toe- black shoes, black skinny jeans with a hole in the knee, and a black t-shirt.

"You made me get up.", I mumbled as I moved out of the way for him to walk in.

"Sorry, princess." His voice was dripping with sarcasm, but that didn't stop the butterflies from fluttering more at the word princess.

I smiled and walked back over to the area on the floor, sitting this time instead of laying.

"Do you always sit on the floor?", he chuckled laying down on Gemma's bed.

"Do you have a problem with that?", I looked up to him to see his phone held above his head. He glanced over to me, looking me up and down quick before he smirked.

"Do you have to wear that shirt?" He ignored my question, his eyes trained on the little bit of cleavage that was visible from the v-neck.

"I can always just wear the sports bra that's underneath."

His eyebrows raised as his gaze was then casted upon my eyes. "Okay.", he smirked, pulling his lip ring between his teeth.

I don't think I will ever get used to how sexy that looks.

"I'm kidding, you idiot.", I laughed, reaching behind me to pull a pillow off my bed to throw at him.

"Hey! You're the one who suggested it!", he laughed.

"Try and defend yourself all you want, you're still a pervert.", I chuckled.

He seemed taken back by my words, but quickly recovered with a smile.

"Really?" He asked playfully, setting his phone beside him, giving me his full attention.

"mhmm." I forced back a smile, nodding.

Frozen (Frat Boy Niall) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now