Chapter 11

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I groaned and rolled over onto my stomach, burying my head into my pillow, trying to block out that awful buzzing of my alarm clock.

It's Monday which means classes are back on. And today, being my lucky day, I have to be there for an extended hour to help prepare my powerpoint presentation for Wednesday. Great.

I picked it up, pressing a bunch of buttons blindly before finally getting the thing to shut up. Slowly peeling off the covers to my ever so warm bed, I sat up and rubbed my eyes, letting a small sigh escape my lips.

Why do classes have to start so early? Sure 8 am is better than waking up at 6 am in high school, but still. It's just too early! The average person sleeps in until at least 11. Can't classes start then?

I groaned as I walked into the bathroom starting the shower. I quickly stripped out of my clothes and climbed into the warm water. I stood, letting it beat on my back gently for a couple minutes before finally putting in my shampoo and conditioner. I shaved and brushed my teeth before stepping out. Yes, I brush my teeth in the shower. I know it's weird, but it's a fast and easy way to do it with out consuming a ton of time.

I decided on a pair of rolled up skinny jeans and a dark gray sweater. I did a quick and loose side braid to my hair before putting on a bit of cover-up and mascara.

I glanced out the window before I left, seeing that it was raining. I sighed and grabbed my light parka, throwing it on along with my short black boots. I pulled my bag off of the small table chair and grabbed my dorm key.

Unfortunately, Gemma has afternoon classes today which means that I'm stuck walking to and from classes in this stuff, seeming how freshmen can't have cars on campus. Which I think is bizarre and stupid.

I made my way down the stairs and out the exit, quickly putting up my hood to keep as much water off me as possible. Just to my luck, the first step I take out the door, I step into a giant puddle, soaking my shoe. I cringed as I felt the water seep through to my sock. Great, so now I'm not only stuck walking ten minutes in rain, but also with an uncomfortably wet sock as it rubs along the skin of my foot. Yay....

I huffed out of annoyance and continued down the path. Could this day get any worse? And it's only 8:40. Just wonderful.

When I finally reach the large building, I swing open the door, hurrying inside. I stomp my feet a couple times, trying to get the excess water off. I hurried to my next class. Luckily, there are only a few people in here yet, so most of the seats are empty.

I fold my soaked hood off of my head and place it around my shoulders. I decided on a seat in the middle of the second row, placing my book bag in the chair as I stripped myself of the drenched material over my shoulders called a jacket. But, at least it did keep my shirt from becoming wet as well.

I finally took a seat, pulling my notebook and pen out of my bag and continued to busy myself with my phone for the remainder of the time.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see a lanky body place in the seat next to me. I glanced over, watching as the boy in the blue t-shirt pulled out his materials from his bag. My body tensed as I realized that it was him. Does he really have to sit here!? Next to me? I didn't even realize that he was in this class!

I rolled my eyes, focusing on my paper as I started to write down the daily schedule from the board.

A group of girls caught my attention as they walked in, clad in short shorts, and crop tops. Don't they realize it's like 60° outside and raining? There were three of them. Two of them with blonde hair, and the other with dark brown and pink highlights.

Frozen (Frat Boy Niall) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now