Chapter 21

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    "Khloe?!" I looked up from my book to see Eleanor and Gemma walking into the room. I layed the book beside me and sat up, a smile growing on my face. I've been so caught up in this boy drama that it makes my heart race when I see them. I am so glad that I have made actual friends here. Friends that I can count on.

  "Eleanor!", I squealed, jumping off the bed to greet them.

  "Where have you been?", El laughed as I hugged both, her and Gemma. I want to tell them the whole thing, from talking to Niall, to Luke, to the doctors- all of it, but I decide to stick with the bare minimum. Niall wouldn't ever trust me anymore if I told anyone his story, and I can't lose the little that I have. I cannot afford to. I'm just starting to get him to open up to me, and I need to continue. Telling the girls, no matter how much I'm temped, would only ruin things.

  "I was with Niall. We got caught up with...things, and lost track of time.", They both looked at me funny and I then realized why. "No, no, no!", I chuckled. "That sounds bad.. I mean we were just talking. We didn't do anything.", I rambled, waving my hands in the air.

  I flinched as Gemma grabbed ahold of my brace. "Khloe, what the hell happened?" I looked down to it, then back to her and Eleanor.

  A lot more than you know, Gemma. "I, uh... I fell." I pulled my arm back and walked back over to my bed. I need to go pick up those prescriptions for the pain killers..

  "How'd you fall?", El pursed her lips together and scrunched her eyebrows. I wanted nothing more to just roll my eyes and drop the conversation, but that'd be rude.

  "I was walking down the stairs this morning, and slipped. I fell backwards onto my wrist." Not bad for a girl who doesn't usually lie. Although, that's what I feel like I've been doing since I've got here. Keeping secrets and lying. "I think it's just sprained though. The doctor said the X-Rays will be in tomorrow.", I explained.

  They both nodded and walked over to Gemma's bed. I glanced out the window, listening faintly as they talked and giggled about their boyfriends.

  I watched as the guys played soccer on the practice field. I noticed Zak, the guy I met lastnight at the frat house, was on the team. He was running with the ball towards the other end of the field. After seeing his face, I started looking to see if I recognized anyone else. The was a brown haired one who looked a little familiar. I think his name was Seth from my Physiology class. He had a strong build, but a slim waist. I continued to watch their game, kind of getting lost in my own world.

  Zak was fleeing with the ball, trying to find an open person to pass it to. The 'other team' surrounded him and taunted him, but he pulled a move and kicked it between one of the guys' legs.

  I felt a small smile grow on my face as I continued to stare. I've always loved soccer, just never knew how to really play. When I was little, I'd always go out and kick the ball around with my dad. He'd pretend he was bad at it and would let me score. I remember laughing every time he would "fall". Then I'd go and jump on him and he'd tickle the life out of me.

  I smiled bigger at the memory and even let a little chuckle slip out. Wow, I miss him.

  "Khloe!" My head jerked to the side, taking in Gemma and El's smiling faces. "We've been saying your name for the past two minutes.", Gemma laughed.

  "Were you really?", I laughed, glancing between them. They both nodded and continued to laugh.  I blushed and glanced back out the window.

  "Anyways.." El started. "Were going bowling tonight with girls. Are you up for it?"

  I glanced to her face then settled my focus on my wrist. Damn thing. I want to so badly, but I don't want to just sit there if I can't lift a ball. It'd be nice to have a girls day, but it'd be boring to just sit and watch while they have all the fun.

Frozen (Frat Boy Niall) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now