Chapter 61

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Safest Place- Echosmith

Kiss Me Kiss Me- 5sos

Somebody to You- Vamps


We ended up just driving, not even knowing where we were headed. Niall decided to tell me that after we had got off at a random exit that led us to a bit of a bad town.

Niall just laughed his mistake off, where as I freaked, quickly finding another exit to take that would lead us into a better place.

We traveled for about four hours and some odd minutes, Niall singing the whole time. I simply smiled and watched out the window, taking in his beautiful voice and the scenery around us.

Finally, we ended up riding one of the expressways until it turned into a highway. It led us to a small, beautiful town off the Atlantic coast, by the name of St. Mary's.

It seemed to be a bit of a tourist spot by the looks of it. There were old museums, small shops, and small candy stores. There was a boardwalk which Niall had dragged me down, lining the edge of the ocean.

The sun had sunk a few hours ago, but for some reason, in this spot, the sky was still the brightest shade of orange and yellow. The clouds were tinted, and the water glowered off the color of the sky. It was truly breathtaking.

I smiled as we came across a frozen yogurt shop. I tugged Niall into the little, cold room, smiling happily at the wide verity of different flavors.

Knowing Niall, he went straight for the Oreo flavored, and then piled it high with an assortment of small candies and cookies. I, on the other hand, ended up getting strawberry flavored, piled with mixed berries (and a couple gummy worms for my sweet tooth), making it as healthy as I could.

I hate my new work out meal plan for volleyball. All I've been able to eat is healthy stuff. It's been fish, chicken, rice, and vegetables every day for the past week. And yes, Niall has been complaining every night.

I can't wait for volleyball to just get on the road already. We've had practice almost every night- well, Monday through Friday- and we have yet to even play a game. However, this Tuesday we will be scrimmaging the 'junior advanced' team before our first game on Thursday. Finally.

Niall paid, ignoring my many requests of paying for myself, then took my hand, pulling me out to a table on the dockside.

"How did we even find this place?" I smiled, leaning against Niall's shoulder.

"I don't know, but I'm glad we did." He smiled back, placing a kiss against me cheek. I smiled and sat up, wiping the spot with my hand.

"Your lips are cold." I giggled, smiling brightly. I looked at him confused for a moment as he scooped out a big scoop of just yogurt, making sure there were no bits in it. He then took the spoonful of his treat, and instead of eating out, he quickly spread it across my cheeks and lips, causing me to let out a small shrill squeal.

"As cold as that?"

"NIALL JAMES HORAN!" I gave out, wiping some across his cheek. He just laughed and pulled me into him, his lips pressing against mine.

The mix of strawberries and chocolate entered my mouth and I crept my tongue out to lick the rest, however Niall open his mouth at the same time, leading us into a heavier make out than I had expected.

He wrapped his arm around my body the best that he could, and tugged on my side until I slowly slid along the bench, onto his lap.

My chest was beating so hard against my ribs that it was almost impossible for him not to feel it. On top of that, my breath was heavy and running out quickly. He ran his hand along the side of my legs which were tossed to his side.

Frozen (Frat Boy Niall) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now