Chapter 30

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The car ride was spent mostly in silence, other than the radio playing rock music and the occasional questions from Luke asking if I was okay.

I was starting to grow rather impatient. I want nothing more than to be out of this car, and on the flat ground.

The music is giving me a headache, Niall's driving is horrendous, and if Luke asks me one more time about what is wrong, I am going to punch him.

"So, you're Khloe, right?"

I glanced over my shoulder to see Mia leaning closer to get a better look out the windshield while she popped her gum.

"Uhh, yeah.." I've never talked to her before and I wasn't really planning on it either, but I didn't want to be rude.

She's just not my type I guess. She's obviously one of the campus sluts, being in a group with Ashley and all- and me being me, I'm not into all the sleeping around and partying.

"Cool, so like, are you a freshy or did you transfer?", she asked, looking into the rear view mirror to fix or should I say, fluff' her hair.

Harry turned the music down, and I gave a sympathetic smile for us kind of talking in his ear.

"I'm a freshman. I moved here from Florida." I squirmed on Luke's lap as he began drawing ticklish circles on my stomach under the hem of my shirt.

"So is it true that the parties are huge? Or that bartenders slip ecstasy into your drinks to totally fuck you up?" she popped her gum again with a huge grin.

"She wouldn't know.", Niall spoke up for the first time, making us all turn our heads.

What does he mean that I don't know? Just because I don't go to parties and classify them as being 'fun' doesn't mean that I don't know what happens at them. I grew up around it.

I glared at him, turning back to the twig in the backseat.

"Actually, for your information, yes, I do know.", I shot a glare at Niall who was staring at me with an amused look as we waited for the light to turn green. "And, yes. That would be correct.", I stated, smiling back at Mia.

"That is so cool!" I gave her a look of bewilderment before shaking my head lightly and chuckling.

um... okay.

"It can be quite scary, actually.", I added quietly, thinking back to the first and last time when I was drugged.

"You've tried it?!", she asked and everyone's heads turned to me. The blood rushed to my face as well as the heat.

"That's amazing! Was it fun?" Mia continued, excitement growing by the millisecond.

"I don't believe you.", Niall stated, taking a turn on to the express way.

I leant against Luke, relaxing into his hold.

"Me either." Perrie stated, followed by a bunch of 'mhmm's'.

"It's true.", I mumbled as the memory came back once again. "I was drugged... by my best friend." I stated.

I didn't really want to talk about it anymore, but I could tell by all of their faces that they definitely weren't going to let this one slide.

Luke's head tilted to the side to stare down at me as his eyebrows knitted in confusion.

"You call a person who drugged you a friend?" His voice rang through my ears. I shrunk down, leaning between the window and his shoulder.

Can we just be there already? I don't want to tell them. I don't want to talk about it. And I most certainly don't want to remember it. The hardest thing to do is forget something when everyone keeps blabbing on about it.

Frozen (Frat Boy Niall) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now