Chapter 37

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Khloe's POV*

To: Niall-

Well, okay, Mr. So Serious. Tell me

What could he possibly have to talk about? I swear.. if it is something about Luke, or about him and I.. I am probably going to lose my shit.

My phone buzzed in my lap almost instantly. I placed my fork onto the glass table before I wiped my hands and mouth with my napkin.


Khloe I'm being serious. We need to talk.

I sighed, quickly typing my reply.

To: Niall

I'll be home in a couple more days then I promise we will talk about whatever then. :)

I clicked my phone off, sitting it back on the table whole I continued to eat my pancakes.

He didn't respond after that, so I just decided to ignore the pit in my stomach. My gut feeling is telling me that something is wrong, but what could go wrong? Everything is perfect in my life at the moment.

I have a good boyfriend, I'm at home, Niall and I are trying to be friends, what else could you ask for?

After putting my dishes in the dishwasher, I decided to clean up the kitchen a bit, then call Kaylee. It was almost one, so she should be up.

She answered on the second ring and I smiled, knowing that I could actually do this like the old times.

"Hey, babe." Her voice sounded so deeper over the phone, causing me to chuckle. But then again, mine probably does too.

"Are you doing anything today?" Smiling, I continued to pick at my fingernails as the phone rested between my shoulder and ear.

"Only the typical teenage white girl activities, such as texting, Netflix, tumblr, etcetera." Still sarcastic as ever, I see.

"Great to know you're free." She chuckled. "Care to join me in the typical white girl stereotype of getting a coffee?"

"From Starbucks?"

"Well, of course!" We both chuckled, and I plopped down onto the couch, sinking into the worn, tan leather.

"Be ready in twenty?" She asked, and I nodded, forgetting momentarily that she actually couldn't see me.

"Mhmm." After exchanging quick goodbyes, I hung up and decided to just turn on the t.v. I haven't actually watched a real television show in weeks.

Ever since I've got the UGA, I've been stuck either doing homework in my free time, or hanging out with everyone. Oh, and you can't forget the enormous frat parties that I have been made to attend every Friday.

I decided on a rerun of America's next top model. It's the one where the girl's do the photoshoot dressed as vampires. I've only seen it a million times, but hey, what's the difference if I watch it again?


"So, tell me. Are there any hot guys in Georgia?" At the moment, Kaylee and I were now both casually walking along the beach back to my house, both holding small cups of caramel drizzled mochas.

I glanced down to my feet that were lightly kicking the hot sand around, as my toes curled to keep my flip-flops on.

"Um, for the most part.", I chuckled, feeling my cheeks heat as I began thinking about Luke, Niall, Harry, and even Liam.

"Who is he?" Kaylee flashed a knowing smirk in my direction, followed by a nudge of the elbow into my ribs. Her Irish accent made me blush harder, thinking of Niall's voice and our playful banters that used to turn into heavy makeout sessions with butterflies flying freely through my stomach. Oh God. Why am I thinking about this?

Frozen (Frat Boy Niall) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now