Chapter 25

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  Niall's POV*

  "Screw you both actually. Just fuck off and go have your lame ass date. Don't come crying to me when he fucking tears you apart, Khloe. I'll most likely laugh in your face cause I'm an ass like that.", those words stung in my mouth as they tumbled out without any control- the sour taste overwhelming me.

   I should have known. I should have known that she'd run back to him. She has me on a damn yo-yo and it's like every time I get so close, she releases me and I'm back to the start.

 Fuck. I have to leave. I have to get out of here before I bash his head into a wall. I've never wanted anything more than I do right now when it comes to just beating him shitless. Luke's a prick and Khloe needs to just figure that out already. But no matter how much I tell her, she's still got this mind set that he's an absolute prince and that he's so fucking perfect. I'm not saying that I'm any better, but still, this is ridiculous.

  I turned around, fuming as I left her numb and crying in the hallway. I can't do this anymore. She is absolutely right. I'm not even her friend, so why do I care? This damn bet that I was stupid enough to make has completely taken over the whole situation. It was not supposed to be like this. What has she done to me? She's fucking ruined me.

  I'm the guy known around for the parties and the girls. Not for... whatever this shit is that's going on. Hell, if she wants Luke, then what the fuck ever, she can have him.

  I pulled out my phone as I stepped into the elevator. I need a mental escape.

  To: Seth

  I'll be there in ten. Need a fucking break.

  I decided to just go straight to Seth's apartment. I can't afford to go back to my dorm and face Liam and his stupid questions. I know he won't judge, but he sure as hell won't let my actions slide.


  Dude! Hurry the hell up! Girls, beer, and the bros. What a better combo?

  I chuckled and placed my phone back into my pocket. As angry as I am, I still can't give up a night like this. Hell, so much better than a damn picnic. What was I even thinking? Yeah, I was thinking that Khloe and I could actually have a good time for once, but how crazy does that sound? She's a whore who straddles her men, and I'm a screwed up jerk with a massive ego, how could we possibly try and go on a damn picnic together? That's for sappy ass people; not people like us.

   "Hey man!", Seth was the first to notice me as I walked through his front door, not bothering to even knock.

  "Hey.", he handed me a beer and I took it immediately flipping the tab to open it. I ran a hand through my hair as I tilted my head back, letting the cold, bitter yet fizzy liquid slide down the back of my throat.

  I swallowed hard and looked around the small living room to see clothes and take-out boxes scattered everywhere. The room was a little smokey as water vapor and the smell of marijuana filled the air from the hookahs and bongs that lined the coffee table. Girls in just their bras and underwear lay spread on the sofas, sitting across a few of the guys' laps. Just what I fucking need.

  I smiled and walked over, taking a seat next to Garrett. Garrett and Seth are twins, and honestly, you would even be able to tell them apart if it wasn't for Garrett who had a little less muscle than Seth. Well that, and longer hair. I met them last year, like a week before the fight that ended up completely ruining more than ever.

   "'Sup, Nialler? We've missed 'ya round 'ere!", Garrett's words were slightly slurred as he took another hit off his bong. Fuck this shit gets him so messed up.

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