Chapter 15

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"Anyways.", Eleanor stated as she stood up from the ground, brushing off the dirt and grass. "I'm gonna head back. I've gotta type up a few notes for my psychology class and get ready for tonight."

I looked to Liam who was back on his phone. He looked up to me, giving me a soft smile.

"Oh. I'm gonna head back too. So, go ahead, Khlo. Catch 'ya later?" I gave him a smile and nodded as we both stood up. I followed Eleanor while he went the other way.

"So.", Eleanor glanced to me, as we crossed the street, leading ourselves back towards the main building. "You're going to the party, right?"

I looked to her, giving the are you kidding me look. She must have seen right through it though, as she stared back with a bright smile and her eyebrows raised.

"Uhh... I wasn't planning on it?", I questioned more than stated. Her face fell a little.

"Khloe....", She began to whine and tug on my arm. "You have to learn to live a little! You're in college for heaven's sake!"

"El, I don't do parties. They're just not my thing."

"W-what? B-But, Luke will be there!" We are seriously not going through this.. "Please come? You didn't even get to stay last time. You just bolted out of there as soon as Harry arrived.." She stopped walking, turning to me before we entered the building.

"I'm sorry, El, but I can't." I hate saying no, but I'm not going to budge. I'm the one who everyone always walks all over and the one who ends up looking like a fool because I can't say no to anyone. I'm the one who gets the feeling of guilt so hard that I budge and say fine. I just can't resist the puppy dog eyes and the pout like she's giving me now.. it's not going to work. Not this time.

"B-But Luke hopes to see you there, and I know you want to see him...." She batted her eyelashes, looking at me through the think and full set. I felt my cheeks heat. Well, it would be nice to see him, especially if he wanted me to be there... the only problem is wherever the party is, Niall is.. and I do not want to be around him.

"Sorry, El, but no." I pulled open the double doors, walking in. I didn't mean to be rude in any way, I just can't do it. If I want to live up to my standards, I have to at least attempt to stay clear of Niall as much as possible.

"Ugh. Fine....", she trailed in after me. "Will you at least help me get ready?" I nodded and she smiled as we made our way up the stairs. Her room is on the third floor, so the walk was a little further.

When we made it to her dorm, Perrie was there along with Liz who were also getting ready. Looks like I'm chilling by myself tonight.

"Yay, guys! Okay, how hot is Luke Hemmings?", Liz spoke, looking to both, El and I while we walked in, sitting on the small futon in the corner of the room.

"Oh my gosh!", Perrie gushed. "He's so hot!"

"Watch it, ladies. He's got his eyes on someone.", El looked straight to me, smiling. I felt my cheeks flush. What? No...

They all looked to me with their eyebrows raised. I blushed, looking to my lap. He doesn't like me. Luke is not thay kind of guy to like a girl like me..

"No, guys. He doesn't even know me.", I stated, trying not to smile as a warm feeling took over. He doesn't, does he? I mean, I'm not really his type I don't think.. he's more of a guy to find interest in a rocker chick, not... me. Right?

Although, he did want to see me tonight, but he just means it in a friendly manner. Yeah. Wait, but why did he keep winking and me and making me blush? Does he? Ugh, I'm so confused!

Frozen (Frat Boy Niall) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now