Chapter 70

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Holy cow chapter 70 already!!! Only a few more! XD

Niall's POV*

After a bit of a bumpy road into the woods, we pulled onto a long, dirt drive. Harry had been yelling at me to turn around, but my head was so clouded that the fact of saving Khloe hadn't even crossed it. His words just kept going through one ear, and out the other.

I'm almost positive that the van had known we were following them, that's why they turned down this road in the first place, but I wasn't giving up. These fuckers need to learn how to drive whether I have to teach them a lesson by mouth or by example.

My phone began to vibrate in my pocket, but I ignored it, cursing as we hit a bump.

My car is going to get so beat up from this...

The divice in my pocket started going off again. I rolled my eyes, telling Harry to grab it.

"I'm not grabbing it!"

"Harry, just pull the stupid thing out!"

"Niall, that's too fucking close to your dick!"

"You have felt my dick before, stupid! Now just grab the cellphone and see who's fucking calling!"

"On my defense I was pissed-"

"I don't give a shit, just grab the damn phone." I sighed as he grumbled and shoved his hand into my pocket to pull out the black iPhone.

"Do you know this number?" He furrowed his eyebrows, showing me the screen.

"No." He sighed and handed me it back to put back in my pocket. We hit another bump before we came to a stop at an old, broken down house.

A guy with pink hair jumped out of the car (who the hell dies their hair pink?) and walked over to my window. I stepped out if the car, the darkness encasing our bodies. "What the fuck do you want?" He attempted to question harshly.

I had to laugh at his weak voice. "First of all, you need to learn how to fucking drive! Second, where the hell are we?" I watched as a lanky ass guy walked towards us.

"Niall, great to see ya, man!" I had to do a double take. Luke. You've got to be fucking kidding me.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" Harry jumped out of the truck meeting me on my side. I stood still though, trying to understand what was going on.

Luke was back.

"You'll find out soon enough. I just n-"

"No, Luke. Where the fuck is Khloe?"
Harry spoke. How did he know that Luke was with Khloe?

"The hell do I know." He looked to me. Okay.. I'm confused. "You got yourself a good catch, Niall. A little feisty and stubborn if ya know what I mean." I glared at him. I had to control my hand by my side as I clenched it into a fist wanting to give him every hit that he deserved. Apparently he didn't receive the message before he cowered off, in the first place.

"Fuck off, Luke." I scowled. Images of Khloe moping for days around my bedroom came to mind. Images of her crying and being scared. Images of me coddling her through her nightmares, rubbing her back, placing kissed on her knuckles. Images of her crying into my arms, too scared to even say what happened because she felt that he was going to come after her again.

A full month of reparation that I had to involve myself in, just for her to work up the courage to trust me enough to tell me what happened. A full month of reassurance and therapy on my behalf. He does not even know the extent of what's been happening. There is no way in his right mind that he can possible think that it is okay to just show up and take her.

Frozen (Frat Boy Niall) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now