Chapter 77

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Over my head ~The Frey

18 acoustic instrumental ~one direction

Impossible ~Shontelle

Tiny, gentle patters were flaked against the window, slowly building with each that hit. A sudden stream of chills itched their way up my spine so I pulled the warm covers up further, cuddling into Niall's comforting embrace.

I know it's only been a month that we've been dating, but to be honest, it feels like so much longer. We've known each other for about four months now, and it's scary just to think about how fast I fell in love with this little Irish asshole.

I never thought it would happen. I don't think he did either. When I first came across him in that frat house, I kept telling myself that I wanted nothing to do with him. I wanted him to disappear off the face of the earth, but now... Now I'm so happy. I never thought that Niall would be the one to make me feel like this.

He's, Niall. He's beautiful and perfect and just an absolute sweetheart. He cares so much and he's such a gentleman. He may come from horrid childhood, but man has he changed. And it all really did show me that even though you may have came from an ugly past, you can still be perfect in your own way.

"Morning, beautiful." Niall whispered, kissing my forehead as his fingers ran through my knotted, messy curled hair.

"Morning." my voice was hoarse and my throat felt like it held razor blades after everything that happened last night. "It's snowing." I whispered, smiling as I pressed a kiss to his bare chest.

"I see that." he smiled and pulled me closer, staring out the window above my head. "It's been a long time since those blinded were opened, and I'm kind of glad they are right now." I hummed against him, turning around in his grip so I could stare out the window too.

It was so pretty as it lightly fell against the window, turning into a small little drop of water. Frozen one second, then a puddle next.

Niall spooned me, his arms tightening around my torso as his cheek rested against my head. Our shared body heat was so comforting, providing me the perfect morning.

"You're so warm." Niall swooned, snuggling into me further. I giggled and rolled over, tucking the sheet around my bare chest. "I could just lay here forever." I giggled again as I felt his head snuggled in the crook of my neck, burying his face like a chipmunk in a fuzzy sweater.

I blushed as he moved the sheet out of his way and instead, wrapped himself around me and then laid the blanket over us. I felt smothered, but I loved it nonetheless.

My fingers tangled their way through his messy, dyed blond locks, feeling it curl around my fingers. It really was getting long and I keep forgetting to make a hair appointment for him. Although, I kind of like it like this because not only it is soft and fluffy, but it makes him look younger.

"I love you, Niall."

"I love you too, Khlo." he smiled up to me. "No matter what." He added. My stomach fluttered at his words and I smiled as I watched his face lean up to give me soft kisses. "Can I play you something?"

I looked at him confused before he answered by standing up and walking over to his dresser. He pulled on his briefs and grabbed his guitar, sitting on the edge of the bed. I nodded excitedly and smiled, looking over to him.

I'd only ever heard him play once and that was so long ago. He was so good! I remember watching how his fingers danced across the strings like they were the most delicate things in the world. I enjoyed it.. a lot.

Frozen (Frat Boy Niall) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now