Chapter 41

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Khloe's POV*

  A faint buzzing sounded through the air, but then quickly disappeared as the bed shifted. I cuddled back into my pillow, pulling it closer to my body, only to have it groan. I squeezed my eyes shut, letting out a small yawn as I did so. Wait a minute, pillows don't groan..

My eyes shot open to see a full vision of black. My skin was hot and I had began to feel like I was suffocating. Lifting my head, my heart began to pick up speed until I realized that I was pretty much squeezing Niall to death.

  "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." I instantly released him, causing a mumbled sound to escape his dry lips.

  "Uhhh...yeah..." He sat up, running a hand through his hair, then across his eyes. 

  The sun hadn't yet made it's way through the curtains, however it was beginning to peak over the horizon, giving the room a tinted orange glow. Mornings like this are always the best.

  I streached out my body, pushing against the mattress and sheets as I did so. Letting out a small sigh, I kicked my feet around to get the white sheet off of them only to have it tangle even more. Great. I grumbled and groaned to myself as Niall chuckled at me. He then bent down and removed the sheet from my legs, making me smile as his fingers lightly brushed my feet, tickling them slightly.

  "Khloe, you don't have to get up. It's only seven. I have class until ten, today. And practice for an hour after, then I'll be back." Niall stated as he stood and streched. He then grabbed his phone and placed it in his pocket before turning to me, who was still laying on the bed.

  "Niall, it's fine really. I have stuff to do anyways today. And I have to talk to Luke." I yawned again, rolling on my side to face him. "Plus Gemma's probably going to question me..again."

  He rolled his eyes, clearly not liking the mention of her. Or maybe it was the part about talking to Luke. I don't blame him if it is about Luke, though, because I'm dreading that talk too. Because experiencing the conversation lastnight, I don't really know how this 'talk' will go. Maybe he'll be more open. Though I doubt it.

  "Why do you let her do that to you? You're nineteen for fucks sake." Okay, so it is about Gemma.

  "Actually.. I'm eighteen, almost nineteen." I stated, giving a crooked smile to lighten the tension I could feel rising.

  He smiled and shook his head. "Whatever, you know what I mean, Khloe. You let her influence your choices and de-"

  "She's helping me, Niall." I cut him off, feeling this conversation going no where. It's Gemma were talking about. 

  "No she's controlling you. Questioning you all the time, pushing her way into your brain, 'helping you' by making your decisions. She's wanting you to continue dating Luke, when he's just going to hurt you too, just to keep away from me!" He took a breath, letting out a small sigh.

"You say that you don't want to be treated like a puppet, but that's exactly what you are to her. Stop letting her do that to you."

  "It's too early for this." I groaned, burying myself into his pillow. It's really not that early, but I'm not in the mood to talk about it because it's either going to push me into a bad mood, or cause a fight between us, and right now, that's the last thing I need on my plate.

  He pinched the bringe of his nose before he looked towards the clock on his bedroom stand. Well, the bedroom stand.

  "Listen, I have to get going because I have to head back to the dorms to get ready. You're welcome to stay, or whatever. Just- Don't touch the beer in the large fridge. That's Zayn's and he'll flip shit, but I have some in the small fridge if you want."

Frozen (Frat Boy Niall) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now