Chapter 45

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I sighed, rolling my thumbs over the Calvin Klein inprint on the white boxer-briefs. The acid in my stomach burned ten times more now than it had a minute ago.

The thoughts alone made me want to vomit, let alone actually telling him. But there comes a point in time where things need to be said and stories need to be told; good or bad. In this case, I'm damned if I do, and damned if I don't.

I swallowed hard, staring at the man infront of me. His features were set hard, like stone. His raging sea eyes burning into mine. Just by looking at Niall, I could feel myself shrink. Feel myself become less of a person due to his intimidating and strong stance. A lion would definitely be able to tell who held the most power in the room.

"Khloe." He said it with much force, so much that it made my heart jump. I blinked, feeling my hands begin to shake before I latched onto the cotton/ spandex material, picking at it to distract myself.

"Niall, I..I can't." I stated, just barely a whisper. I wouldn't be surprised if he missed it.

"You can't, or you won't?" He asked, his knuckles turning white as he gripped into the table edge. I could tell he was getting irritated as his eyes narrowed and his ears turned a slight pink. But, he's not the only one.

"I can't, Niall!" I stood up, cringing inside as the chair screeched across the flooring. "I cannot even begin to remotely explain, let alone comprehend what happened in that fucking bedroom!"

"Don't raise your voice at me! I just need to know so that way I can help you!" Niall stood up to, pushing his plate back before his eyes were once again connected with mine.

"Help me with what?! I don't need or want your help! I need time, Niall, time. That's what will help me!" I could feel my blood start to boil as the memories flooded through me, giving a slight whiplash.

"You try being in a room with your fucking boyfriend, watching him grope another girl's breast, desperatly hoping that it was someone else who had the wrong room! Try to fucking be trapped against a door by him, knowing that no one can see or hear what he does to you. That no matter what, you're...You're fucking helpless!" I started to pace, feeling the anger revive within my body, washing me over like a landslide. "Try going through an intense, not to mention forced make out session when you want nothing more than to crawl into a black hole and stay there forever. I fucking can't, Niall! It's so hard to even think about it! I never wanted to be touched by him. I didn't want his filthy ass hands on me. I never asked for any of that, and that's very hard for me to let sink in! I may be eighteen, but to know that Luke was the first to ever touch my full body, let alone like that! That is fucking... I can't even explain what that was like for me, Niall!"

The room grew into a dead silence. Silence so strong that you'd be able to hear atoms collide.

I didn't realize how close Niall was, or that my eyes were practically raining, until I glanced up to find the blonde all blurry. He pulled me into his arms where I continued to cry. Just vent.

It felt good to get it out, let my guard down for once. It felt good to get that off my chest. To actually admit to myself all of what had happened. I'd been in such denial, that saying this almost felt like I was reading a script for some sick, twisted movie.

Niall or I didn't say anything within that ten minutes of just standing there, wrapped in eachother. Instead, I just focused my attention on his fingers which were pressing into my back.

He finally released me and for the first time since my little speech, I was able to get an actual clear glimpse of his face. His cheeks were red and puffy, his lower eyelids lined with a thin red line. His hair was slightly pushed off his forehead, while it looked like he had ran his fingers through it a couple times.

Frozen (Frat Boy Niall) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now