Chapter 4

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My first week of college classes had finally passed, meaning that today was now Friday. The lucky part is that I have no classes on Fridays.

My first week could have been better, but I seemed to get through it pretty easily. I had classes from 9 until 2 every Monday and Wednesday. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I only had one class at 11 and an independent study class which was required for every freshman.

   I hadn't really made a lot of friends yet, however, I seemed to get along well with this guy named Liam, from my English class. He's an English major and plans on going into education. He had short brown hair, kind of swept to the side. On the outside, he looked intimidating, but after talking to him he seemed pretty chill. His smile was to die for, and his eyes were a light brown that almost reflected the look of amber.

But other than him, it was really just my roommate and I.

The sun beat down on my back, burning through my thin, blue cardigan as I made my way to the cafeteria to meet Gemma.

She still had class today, but still had invited me to have lunch with her since I had nothing to really do. Plus, she wanted me to meet a few friends of her's because she pitied me for only having two friends in college. Not that I really wanted her pity anyways, but it would be nice to know a few more faces.

I entered the building, finding my way to a table in the back corner full of people, including Gemma. The overly large room was a more modern style, with booths lining the rim of it. In the center placed an all-you-can-eat buffet, and desert parliamentary. The main course dining was to the far left and wrapped around the perimeter.

"Hey! You made it!" I gave a small smile and nodded.

Gemma patted the seat next to her, squishing further into the booth so that I could fit. I sat my bag down next to me, crossing my legs under the table. Best to look like a lady, even if you don't act like one.  I gave a quick smile to everyone at the table as they all looked at me, smiling back.

"Guys, this is Khloe. She's my roommate." Gem quickly added. They all smiled. "Khloe, this is Audrey, Liz, Perrie, Eleanor, my boyfriend- Kayden, and of course as you already know, Harry."

I took in each one of their faces, memorized by the girls' beauty. Liz and Eleanor are both brunettes, while Audrey and Perrie are both beautiful blondes.

Perrie seems a little edgier than the others (who are wearing summer dresses and channel) wearing tight, leather leggings, and a crop top with dark purple eyeshadow and tons of mascara.

However, they're still much prettier than I am.

I smiled politely, looking to Gemma and her boyfriend as he attempted to braid her hair. She laughed, slapping his hands away.

Holy shit, she hangs out with some hot people. Kayden is one of those types of guys who you would see in a Ford magazine. High-class clothing with his dark brown hair ruffled, but yet still drawing in that sex appeal. Holy damn!

Harry seemed to be the only misfit at the table, being the only one with tattoos and piercings, whereas everyone else was in tip-top shape with the fancy clothing and the posh attitude.

However, I don't think he really gives two shits. He's Harry Styles, king of parties and tattoos.

"So, Khloe, what are you majoring in?" Eleanor, I think, asked.

"Um, English and Literature." I smiled, twirling a piece of hair.

"So do you wanna be an author or publisher or something like that?"

"Well, my dad is an author and I think it would be fun to follow in his steps. He seems to enjoy it, and it's an easy way to express myself." I smiled, starting to drift off into space, thinking about my parents.

  I really do miss their smiling faces. Sunday cannot come any faster! Sure, it's nice to get away and have freedom, but it's still a major change to move eight hours away when you have no one or know nothing about a place.

"Who is your dad?" Liz asked, picking her nail polish. I was brought out of my trance, blinking a minute, as I soaked in her short, wavy hair with her cute round face.

"Nicolas Sparks.", I stated, giving off a small glint in my eyes as I smiled.

I laughed as everyone's eyes landed on me, including Harry's, and their jaws all dropped.

"The Nicolas Sparks?"  Liz asked, stunned.

I chuckled and smiled, nodding. "Yes, like the author that has written Dear John and The Lucky One", I laughed again at all of their faces. I get this all the time when people ask about my parents. Though, I love seeing people's reactions or their faces because each one is different and some are just too funny.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" Gemma yelled, a smile etching onto her lips.

I just shrugged, earning a laugh from everyone. I took a drink of my water as they all continued eating. I normally don't have lunch, just water and maybe some fruit.

"So, Khlo," Eleanor spoke up. "Do you mind me calling you that?" I laughed, shaking my head. To be honest, it reminds me of my parents. They've always called me Khlo, instead of Khloe.

She laughed and continued. "Are you going to the party tonight?"

Party? I don't party. Last time I went to a party, I was sixteen and got so drunk that I got lost in a circle of trees. In reality, though, there was only three. Since then, I've been scared to drink again because I don't want to lose control and get myself into trouble.

"There's a party?" I asked, nervous. Please don't invite me! I don't want to go, but I'm not the type of person to turn someone down. I try to say no, but their faces, and the looks, and it all is just too overwhelming and I end up saying yes anyway. I always feel so bad.

"Yeah, there is every Friday night at the Frat house of Harry and his friends." she smiled.

"Oh.", was all I could say as I stared blankly into their pleading eyes.

"Yeah, and you're not coming." Harry's accent was heavy and weighed down with anger and strength. He was sharp and stern, sending daggers into the thick air with his words as he looked me dead in the eyes and abruptly stood up, earning stares from everyone.

He quickly made his exit, leaving the air surrounding us dense.

Thankfully Harry had said that I was indeed not invited so that I wouldn't have to make up some lame excuse.

I just stared at him as he walked through the doors, never even taking a second glance.

"Just ignore him. He's being prissy and annoying." Gemma said, rubbing my arm. "You're coming. No excuses."


"B-But, he said-"

"I don't care what he said. You're coming with me. It'll be fine, he'll get over it." I pried my eyes away from the automatic sliding glass doors, looking to Gemma. Everyone now had big smiles on their faces.

"No, I really can't..." I resisted, trying to think of words that would make sense on why I couldn't come.

"Khloe, you're coming. It'll be fun." Gemma stated, smiling as she and her friends all stood up.

I sighed, standing up as well.

Well, this ought to be a night.

How do you guys like it so far? Niall should be coming in soon ;)

How do you think Harry's going to react at the sight of Khloe at the party?

Vote if you like it :) Xx


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