Chapter 33

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  "Good.", she smiled. She then let out a heavy breath, smacking her leg. "So, what do you want to make?"

  "Do you have eggs?", I raised my eyebrows, watching her every move as she crossed the small area and peered into the fridge.

  Her movements were so graceful and I couldn't help myself to stare at her ass as she bent down to look. I don't think I could ever forget how perfect her body is. It's like I have it etched into my brain. The way her hips sway with each step. The way her torso is long, yet her boobs fill it out. How her long legs stride with confidence, yet each step is as if she was walking on feathers that scattered the water, as she tries to not fall in.

  "Lucky for you, my friend, we do.", she smiled and placed the carton on the counter.

  My friend.. that sounds so weird.

  I hopped off the seat, walking over to her. She rested her back against the counter and I noticed her suck in her breath as I stood nearly inches from her. She held the air inside her mouth and I watched as she gulped. I raised my eyebrows at her and she did the same seeming startled, kind of like the way she was the first night we met when I had her pinned to the wall.

  I sighed and leaned in closer to her and I could almost hear the panic running inside of her.  "I need the eggs, love." I whispered in her ear, backing away a little to watch her body relax as she let out the puff of air.

  "Oh! Of course!", she half chuckled,  backing away from the counter. I decided to not comment on the fact that her face was bright red.

  I smirked and pulled a pan out from the cupboard underneath. After it was heated on the stove, I dropped the first egg into the pan, listening to it sizzle out.

  I've always loved the smell of frying eggs. I don't know if it was something that I was born liking, or if it was something that's grown on me over the years, but it's always been one of my favorite foods to make because of that.

Khloe was silent the whole time as she stood in the corner with her arms crossed, just simply watching me. I bit my lip in order to contain the smile that was pleading to break through.

  "Here you are.", I smiled and placed her plate infront of her. She had buttered some toast while I had quickly made us baccon as well. She smiled and pulled out two forks from the drawer, handing me one. I gladly excepted it, smiling back before I took my own plate and sat back at the bar.

  "Thanks. This is really good.", she praised as she took a bite, savoring each taste. I chuckled and nodded, doing the same.


Khloe's POV*


  Niall and I sat in the small ariea between the beds, laughing as the clock hit 2 am. He was supposed to be helping me pack for the flight that I have to take in the morning back home, but we haven't really gotten much done.

  Instead, for the past hour now, we've been playing would you rather.

  Surprisingly, this whole friends thing that we're attempting has been going quite well. And if he's just pretending in order to keep me close, then he's pretty damn good at hiding it.

  I smiled as I plucked another shirt from my closet, throwing it at Niall to fold and place in the suitcase. "Okay, would you rather.... jump off the Golden Gate bridge, or be pushed out of a plane without a parachute?"

  Niall turned his head around to see me, one eyebrow raised as a horrified expression played across his features. "Are trying to have me killed?!"

Frozen (Frat Boy Niall) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now