Chapter 44

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  Monday. Today is Monday. Which means school. The one thing I hate more than the actual day.

  I groaned as my alarm clock sounded through the room, but I was quick to shut it off before folding the white, puffy comforter back over my head and burying my body back inside.

  It's been two days that I've been here, and so far I have yet to come out of Niall's room, unless I have to use the restroom or shower. I feel bad because he's been sleeping on the couch, but he said that he wants to give me my space. So for the past forty eight hours, I have been curled up on this bed in nothing but a sports bra, a tank top, and my underwear (Which I have changed), with the door locked and the blinds mainly shut.

  I haven't really ate anything because just looking at food makes me want to vomit, and besides the frequent water bottles that Niall sets by the door every hour, I haven't drank anything either. I mean, yeah it might be a little unhealthy, but hey, at least I'm becoming skinny now. That's always good... I guess..

   I have yet to really talk to anyone, either. My phone sits on the nightstand, where it's stayed, buzzing about a hundred times a day with everyone asking questions and seeing if I'm okay, with the occasional rings from Gemma or El. Yes, I'm fine, but I just don't want to talk to them. I just want some space. Like Niall said.

  And as for Niall and Liam, I have yet to say boo to Liam since he left to go meet Sophia the other day. Where as Niall, we don't talk that much. Just the occasional, "Are you hungry?" "No.", "Thirty?" "No.". Otherwise, he'll just knock if he needs his clothes and he comes in, gets them, and walks out with a small smile, or to tell me they're going somewhere.

  "Khlo?" There was a knock on the door as Niall's voice sounded through the wood. I didn't answer, instead just poked me head out of the blankets. "You have to get up. We have class."


  "I'm not going." I stated bluntly, curling back up into the blanket.

  Why should I have to go? I mean, the professors don't give a shit if I'm there or not. It's my grade. And really all that's going to happen is people are going to start asking me questions about what was wrong and it's just going to be déja vú of what happened at the party on Friday. That is way too much for me. It's too overwhelming.

  I get that Niall's trying to help me. I get that he's only doing everything he is for my own good, but maybe I don't need that! He's been basically babysitting me like I'm a five-year old on watch down.

  Trust me, though. I am thankful for him. I'm thankful that he's trying to be my friend. I'm thankful that he's helping me out by making sure I'm taken care of and that I have a place to stay, and all of that, but I just wish he would tone it down a notch.

  I'm perfectly fine. I just don't want to go out and see everyone yet because I'm not ready to face the questions that only bring back memories of what Luke did to me. I mean, it still has just barely yet to click with me.

   "Fine, but at least open the door so I can come in." I groaned, but got up anyways. I opened it slightly before jumping back into the bed and cuddling myself again. "Khloe." Niall stated sternly before concealing us back into darkness.

  "Leave me alone, Niall." Please, don't really.

  He didn't say anything, but he must have read my mind as he slowly sat on the edge of the mattress and tucked himself under his covers, before pulling me by my hips so that way my back was pressed to his front.

  "I'm not going to make you go." I snuggled into him futher, feeling as his head rested in the crook of my neck. "But, please stop shutting me out."

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