Chapter 1

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"Khloe, breakfast is ready," my mom yelled from downstairs. I heard a few dishes clank and a cupboard close. "Khloe!" Groaning to myself, I tossed the sheets back and literally rolled out of bed. The sun weaved through the cracks of the shades, forming lines along my off-white bedroom walls. 

It was so weird knowing that this would be the last time for a while that I'd wake up to the sun shining ever-so-perfectly through these exact shades. It was scary to think that with every awaiting second that passed by, I was growing older and becoming more self-sufficient and independent. I was officially becoming an adult. 

My high school experience wasn't terrible. I made some good friends and still held on to a lot of old. However, I was ready for a fresh start. A new city with a new begining and new people. Florida was nice, but I was tired of the atmosphere.

I quickly made the bed, smoothing out any wrinkles that were visible to the eye. My mom had always been dead set on a spotless and errorless room. Everything was always picked up and placed in its exact spot, the floors were always swept or vacuumed, and the bed was always made before the start of the day.

It's hard to believe that today would be the last day that I'd get to call this 'my room'. 

Well, it'll always be mine, it'll just hold a different meaning, I guess.

The memories of the small train trailing around the perimeter or the Barbie's that had once walked the planks entered my head giving me a slight sense of comfort. However, with each item that I placed in my suitcase, it seemed that the memories would slowly fade out, one by one.

One day someone else would see this room as a guest room and that would be it. All the secrets and promises that were held here would be a mere whisper, and it would just be viewed as some old, empty room with crème walls and bare, wooden floors.

I'd always looked forward to college and the freedoms that came with it, but it was nerevewracking to say goodbye to a place where you have spent your whole childhood– knowing that you're not going to be here every morning when you awake.

When I had first received my letter to the University of Georgia, I was ecstatic. I think my parents were more proud than myself, however. I have talked about going there since I was younger, when we first moved to states.

My family is originally from London, England, but we had to move here when my mom and dad's company transferred them to America. My father is an author and apparently, Warner Books Publishing Company felt it would be in their best interest to come to America. We've been here for about twelve years now, two spent in New York and ten here in Florida. I was too little to hold onto the accent though, and as I spent more time in the American school system, it seemed to have slowly faded out. My parents still have theirs, although, they're not as prominent as they used to be. In a few words, however, my dad's thick and rich British tone will come out, making his sentences sound either captivating or scary depending on what he's saying.

"Khloe!" My mom yelled again, her voice getting closer.

"I'm coming!" I hollered back, just as my door swung open to reveal her attire. She wore a nice pair of dark jeans with a white ruffled shirt and her blonde hair in a perfect bun. I glanced at her as I quickly changed out of my sweats and into my already-picked-out outfit.

Lazily, I ran a brush through my knotted and wavy, sandy brown hair and quickly braided it over my shoulder. I then turned to flash her quick grin.

She smiled back and I followed her down the steps and into the kitchen. "Your father was called into the office this morning, but he says to have a wonderful day and that he'll see you this coming weekend." My mom placed a couple pancakes onto a small plate as well as a few pieces of bacon. I slid onto the barstool, watching as she sat the dish in front of me. How did I get such wonderful parents?

"Are you still planning on coming this Saturday?" I took a bite, savoring each last taste of my mother's home cooked meals.

Here's to the last official taste of something not out of a box or burnt to a crisp because me cooking? Ha! Not the best experience...

"I think plans changed to Sunday." She gave me a soft smile paired with guilty eyes. I gave a smile back as I continued to eat. It's not like I wasn't expecting it. My parents work a lot so my schedule eventually gets planned around theirs.

Sure, sometimes it sucked having them miss school events, like my track meets or volleyball games, but I was pretty used to it. I understood that they were very busy people and they need their time to work and finish books in order to meet the deadlines.

"Okay, honey, go put your bags in the car and I'll take care of this." She motioned to the plate as I pushed it aside, hopping off of the chair and onto the bare, ceramic flooring. I quickly gave her a kiss on the cheek and made my way back up the stairs.

I only had a few suitcases to bring, so nothing major. The first was full of clothes. The second held all of my essentials and shoes, and the last was full of pictures, books, and electronics.

I stuffed a couple stray things in the side pockets, such as my razor and bathing suits, also making sure to grab my phone charger.

I quickly ran into the bathroom, making sure to brush my teeth well before I stuffed that in my suitcase as well. Last but not least, I grabbed my blanket that I've had since I've been little off my bed, throwing it over my arm so that I wouldn't forget it.

I don't know why, but I've always carried this thing with me wherever I'd go. My mom says that as a child it never left my side, even on the first day of primary school.

I took one last glance around my small bedroom before shutting the white door for the last time. I took a deep breath, dragging the suitcases down the cascade of winding stairs and out the large, dark wooden door.

We live in Palm Coast, Florida, which is only a few hundred miles from the college, so it should be a nice and relaxed car ride; only a few hours of a drive.

Butterflies swarmed in my stomach as I watched my mother exit the all too familiar house, realization setting in that this was it.

I was finally a college student, after all these years. Not just a college student, but a student at the University of Georgia. It all seems so surreal.


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