Chapter 20

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Niall's POV*

  I flinched as my old bedroom door slammed shut, rattling the walls.

  I get that what I said should have just been kept to myself, but I couldn't help it. This girl....she's got my brain so twisted. She says one thing, and does another. It's like she's pulling a rubber band and just as it starts to tear, she releases it so that way she can do it again.

  She gets my hopes up, then scurries off to Luke. She's constantly tugging on me, but as soon as I show anything back, she lets go.

  Like when I first kissed her. She was so persistent on pushing me away, but yet she kept going, pulling me in. But then, it's like reality steps back in, and I'm just another flea on the dog's back.

  And Luke, of all people! Damn, I can't stand him. It might be different if she was maybe hanging out with Zak or something, but it's not. It's of course, Luke. Even then, I'd probably be weary of the situation,  but I'd prefer her with him over fucking Luke.

  My phone buzzed and I quickly grabbed it, sliding my finger across the screen.


  If you see or hear from Khloe, tell her to call me!

  I deleted the message, not even bothering to tell her that she'd been with me. Who fucking cares, she'll hear from her soon enough.

  I opened another message and typed S. Seth's name automatically came up and I clicked on it, needing to get my mind off things.

  These past two days have been nothing but stress, stress, and more stress.

  I cannot believe I spilled my damn thoughts out to Khloe.  I cannot believe I opened my damn mouth in the first place. Of course, waking up this morning was wonderful, probably one of the best, but I freaking told her. I fucking started to open up to her. It really is the weirdest feeling- knowing that she knows. Well, somewhat knows. She knows enough to know that my past was not good, nor somewhere a person should be. I even had to stop myself before I spilled the whole damn thing. I've never done that before, and for me, it feels so fucking weird knowing that she, and only she, knows even the smallest bit.

  It's scary, in a way. Scary to know that, even if I was drunk, I still trusted her enough to tell her.

  I haven't even told Harry, who has been my best friend for almost four years. I would trust him with my life, and still, all he knows is that I don't like my dad. That's it. He doesn't know about my mom, or my past, or even what had happened in Ireland in July. He knows nothing, yet the girl I've known for a week tops had already gotten a pretty big glance.

  To: Seth-

  Do you have anything? I need to get my mind off some shit. -N

  I Jumped up, off my bed and threw my phone onto the sheets as a body busted through my door. I could hear the wood splinter, but that didn't seem to matter anymore as I looked up to find Luke with a deep scowl on his face, pacing into my room and over to me. I caught a quick glimpse of brown hair behind him, but it was quickly gone as Luke moved into my full view.

  He was talking, anger fuming through him, but I couldn't focus on what he was saying. What the hell is going on? I took a step back and peered over his trying to get a look at Khloe to see if she knew what was up. 

  She just stared at me with wide eyes. "Luke!", She walked over to him, pulling on him to get him to stop. This was all happening way to fast.

"You always get your way, don't you?" He spat at me, his fists clenching at his side. "Daddy's little boy. Gets all the money, gets the girls." He was standing a little too close, so I took a step back, trying to distance us a little. But he followed, taking another step forward, dragging Khloe, kind of tugging her along. It's like he's just completely ignoring her. Jackass.

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