chapter four: invitations

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"Romeo and Juliet felt suffocated and trapped in a world they lived in their whole lives. Things were expected of them and everyone pushed their own beliefs onto them from a young age. They finally felt freedom for the first time in their lives when they found each other.

Through the love and passion they shared, they had hope that their feuding families might forgive and forget.

After reality set in and unfortunate events played out, Romeo and Juliet find out that they were forever trapped by their fates. That the feeling of freedom was nothing but an illusion to them. In a rash decision, they both decided to leave the world they felt was keeping them apart.

Unfortunately, that was the only thing to bring the two families together."

You were sitting in bed after work, setting your pen down as you wrapped up your thoughts.

It was the first weekend since school started, which means your late nights got later. With the countless drinks you refilled and the hours you stood on your feet, you somehow still found time to do your reading.

While writing your notes, you were curled up beside the lamp on your bedside table. Your eyes scanned the pages in front of you, having a hard time focusing while your neighbors were still awake. Once they settled in for the night, it was easier to focus on the star-crossed lovers.

It was odd. Considering you didn't care for this particular story, you kept finding yourself excited to read it. You were well aware of the obvious and overdone ending, yet you hung onto every word, desperate for more.

Despite your outburst in class last week, you were seeing things from a different perspective. A new outlook on the story you were once annoyed by immensely.

It was now Monday morning and you were struggling to wake up before your alarm. You were determined to finish the last few pages you had left in the book, getting your notes ready for class later on that day.

Before you peeled yourself out of bed, you read your short analysis again, making sure you didn't need to adjust it. Still feeling embarrassed from your outburst in class, you felt like no matter how much you looked at it, it wouldn't be good enough...

It would have to be fine for the time being, deciding to move on from it.

As you stretched out, your body produced a groan. You couldn't help but feel those rare morning jitters, finding yourself excited for Professor Barber's class...

The morning jitters soon faded away as your body produced a yawn. Looking over to the clock on your bedside table, you jumped out of bed. If you didn't get ready now, you wouldn't have time to get the coffee you so desperately needed.

The late nights of reading were catching up to you already, feeling like your feet were dragging as you walked over to the bathroom. It was definitely a struggle to try and keep your eyes open in the shower, making you regret staying up so late these last couple of nights. as you washed the shampoo from your hair.

All was well when you were finally on campus, sipping on the biggest cup of coffee you could get your hands on. It was a nice little reward for yourself for making it to campus on time. The more caffeine you put into your system, the more functional you were throughout the day.

Your classes started like any other day.

You took your seat, listening to the lecture and reading along with your already written notes. You highlighted information the professors would repeat, giving away that it would be on the upcoming exams.

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