chapter thirty six: "until the end"

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AHHHHHHHHHH it's finally the end of an era :(

I'm very happy but also very depressed and heartbroken that this is over... I hope you enjoy the ending with our lil dumb professor at UCLA and please please please stay tuned for my little authors note at the end of the chapter. There is an announcement (that some of you might already know) and some words I want you guys to know :)

anyways, please know that i love you guys very much and I'm going to miss you and this

love, dalal


One day after the letter.

The first day without you was hard. Not only was his bed cold without you, but he would also willingly admit to another staff member on campus about his relationship with you. It was ultimately the reason his steps were slow, feeling like he was sinking in quicksand.

But finding Andrea was important to you, thus it was to him.

Of course, the campus was deserted due to the ceremony starting in just a few hours. A handful of students shuffled around like zombies but he was on a mission. He kept his head up and walked that familiar path to the library, only his heart was breaking knowing it wouldn't lead to you anymore...

"Are you Andrea?" His voice was quiet with his question, asking the only woman behind the desk. He was grateful she couldn't see his twitchy hands, struggling to work off some of his anxious energy.

"I am," Andrea confessed to her identity, making his heart stop beating for a few seconds. Her blue eyes studied him as she halted her task of packing her bag. There were numerous books around her that only reminded him of you and your adorable habit of collecting books.

"Uh– Hi." He summoned a smile before pushing his nerves to the side. He could have all year to cower but not now. "I'm Charlie– Professor Barber." He cleared his throat, not knowing if he was making a good impression.

"Oh, of course!" Andrea resumed packing her bag. "It's nice to meet you finally. I think I've seen you in passing, yes?" She didn't look over at him again, deciding the books in front of her were more important than their greeting.

"Yes, that's correct." He cleared his throat once more, hoping he could get a sound footing before he got around to this difficult conversation. "I'm actually here to tell you something. Well, uh– and to introduce myself... to you."

Not off to a great start, Charlie.

"Oh?" She didn't let up on her task, with only a few books left on her desk. It was enough to have his anxiety promoted through him again. He had to swallow his pride–a few times, actually–before he gathered himself for what could be a potential disaster.

When he announced your name, it was then that she finally stopped and looked over at him.

"You know her, yes?" Charlie clenched his jaw, already knowing the answer to this. He watched the many questions form over her face. "I was sent here on her behalf."

He knew he probably sounded ridiculous, wording it that way. She looked scared to death, the color draining from her face.

"I-Is she okay?" She stuttered out, her fingers starting to tremble around her bag.

"Yes!" He blurted out, shaking his head to himself at his stupidity. "Yes, she's fine." He said in a lower tone. He sucked in a breath, desperate for oxygen as he fiddled with the folded letter in his back pocket. Before he left, he decided that proof was the best way to go around this. "She left for Europe early this morning and she... left this letter behind. With me."

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