chapter twenty five: dress

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This one goes to all the people that said I wouldn't make it. I mean they're kinda right but hey, at least I'm trying, right?




With your time in New York coming to an end, the new year was just around the corner. This was something that you never thought would come, causing you to be terrified. And the fact that it was approaching so fast... You didn't know what to do.

Going back to California meant that everything you built with Charlie over the last month would just be wasted away. You would be his student again and there wasn't a single cell in your body that was looking forward to it.

Pretending you didn't know him, walking past him in the hallways... It wasn't what you wanted. It seemed like it wasn't something Charlie wanted either, remembering his question on that bench.

"Can't we just stay here?"

It was something you didn't want to think about anymore, deciding to do some retail therapy. Charlie stayed back at the hotel while going over his future lesson plans. He was getting ready for the new semester while you walked from shop to shop.

What was supposed to get your mind off what felt like the world was ending, only made you think about it more.

It felt like your feet were dragging through the mud, hands grabbing at you to pull you underneath the surface. You felt like that the entire morning until you walked into a boutique at the end of the strip.

It was much quieter than the others, considering it was New Year's Eve. With everyone rushing to find an outfit last minute, this had more of an environment you could enjoy.

The color splashed against the racks was on the darker spectrum, fitting more of your wardrobe.

The dragging of your feet soon cleared when your eyes caught something towards the back. It sparked something low in your belly, giving you a sense of hope.

Shuffling through the rack, your eyes widened as you finally got a good look at it.

The longer you stared at it, the more attention you brought to yourself. With your eyes darting across the material, wondering what Charlie would think of it, one of the saleswomen made their way over to you. You could hear her dainty voice whispering if she could help you.

"O-Oh-" You cleared your throat, looking in her direction while setting the dress back onto the rack. "I think I'm okay."

With the way she looked at you, she could tell you needed an extra push to make a sale.

"I think you could turn some heads tonight with that dress." The woman beside you had a smirk over her lips causing you to giggle.

"I don't think so." You shook your head, shaking off that absurd statement. Even if she was right, there was only one head you wanted to turn.

"Oh, come on, of course you could!" She was overly excited, picking the dress out from the rack again. "You know you want it." Her sing-songy tone spread that feeling of hope through your body, cocking her brows in your direction.

"I don't know..."

"It's New Year's Eve, you have to wear this." She waved her hand, dismissing your excuses already.

"I... We don't have any plans..." You caught yourself before trailing off.

"Well," She licked her lips, grabbing your wrist before tugging you and the dress towards the register. "This is New York City, darling." She dropped your wrist, leaving you in place before she walked around the register.

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