chapter twenty seven: introductions and questions about oneself

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hi guys!!! sorry to be posting so late (again) and on saturday instead of friday (again)

but here we go! this chapter is unedited, so bare with me and forgive me if there are any mistakes!!!

please read the note at the end of the chapter and enjoy!!



With each day you lived, there was an unwritten list of the things you loved the most. You kept the list hidden away in your mind, adding to it when you came across something you enjoyed.

No matter where you were, you loved strong thunderstorms. The thunder crackling in the clouds was just as calming as the sounds of rain itself. Your dad would always tell you it was the God of thunder sending you a message, thanking you for finding beauty in it. When you got older, you knew it was all nonsense, your dad's attempts to make you feel special.

From time to time, you still liked to imagine that what he said was true.

Another thing on your unseen list was the smell of bookstores. That one might not be as secret as the rest on your list but you figured it still counted. It reminded you of your childhood, turning the pages of your current book while your legs rested above you against the wall.

But waking up in Charlie's bed was something new, soon making it to the top of your list.

The mornings were always your favorite with him. With your body taking its time to wake up, you could always hear his breaths beside you and no matter how hard it was to wake up in the mornings, those soft and steady breaths always seemed to make things just a little easier for you.

You knew that with you stirring around in bed, he would soon awake from his sleep. He would nuzzle his nose into the crook of your neck, pulling you closer while he searched for a reason not to get out of bed.

It was always something you always looked forward to, especially when the two of you didn't have to go to school. Even though you had work soon, you figured you would find yourself back at Charlie's place. Your sleepy head went over possible plans for tonight while you stretched underneath the blankets.

But when you didn't feel his weight on the mattress beside you, you knew that this wasn't like all the other mornings you had with him.

You rolled onto your back, turning your head where Charlie usually laid beside you. When you opened your eyes, you confirmed his absence. You couldn't help the frown over your lips, not being particularly fond of being alone in his bed.

With a soft sigh escaping your chest, you rubbed the last of your slumber from your eyes before you sat up. Your legs dangled from the edge of bed, looking over to the clock. You had time to head back to your apartment and get ready for work. With the afternoon shift, you knew you could bring your homework, getting some notes done in between customers.

From the noises you heard from the living room, it was obvious Charlie was already moving around. He was probably busy, his deep voice seeping through the walls. You couldn't make out what he was saying, wondering if he was on the phone.

You didn't pay too much attention to it, though, standing on your feet. You stretched out what felt like rust around your joints, deciding to get a coffee on the way back to your place. A strong one at that.

While you shed off his borrowed t-shirt, you settled back into your outfit from the night before, attempting to brush out the knots in your hair. Your fingers worked tirelessly until you licked your lips, walking out of the bedroom.

"Are you sure about that?" Charlie's voice was much clearer now as you walked into the hallway for a second, crossing over into his office. Humming a tune to yourself, you figured he had to be on a phone call.

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