chapter twenty three: you can hear it in the silence

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HAPPY IA DAY EVERYONE!!!!! I hope you're excited to continue our journey in New York with Charlie!! I really think everyone is gonna enjoy this chapter and you guys will see why ;)

I do have a little bit of an announcement for you guys. Next week, dal is going on vacation!! I'm going to get away a bit and just enjoy my first vacation since switching over to day shift!! I'm gonna be doing some writing and just taking it easy. So, with that being said, there will not be an IA update next week!!! IA chapters will resume 4/1!! I know that sounds like a long time, so hopefully, I can put up some one shots for you guys :)

So, bare with me guys and I hope you stick around!!




You thought it was crazy that you were finding a new routine for yourself. With the sun shining through the window and the traffic noises blaring you awake, you found yourself in a good mood each morning.

Of course, Charlie clinging onto you while he still slept might've had something to do with it.

Still, this whole thing you two had going for you... It was crazy.

You two would roll around in bed until breakfast was delivered to your room every morning. Only then, Charlie would order you not to move a muscle while he sloppily threw on his sweatpants. You would, however, sit up while you watched a shirtless Charlie bring food into bed.

It was something you could get used to...

After breakfast, you would enjoy some coffee by the fireplace. Reading one of the many books you packed with you, Charlie was never far from you. It didn't matter if he was flipping through the news channels on TV or reading the newspaper, he was always right beside you.

It was everything you could wish for and only because it felt like a normal life.

There were no worried thoughts about school or work or whatever you were doing after you graduated. It was just you and Charlie, and honestly, that was all that you wanted. At least for the time being before you were thrown back into reality.

Just like every other morning, this one wasn't any different.

While you were still rubbing the tiredness from your eyes, there was a knock on the front door. Charlie was facing the other way, reaching one of his legs until his foot was against you. It was eminent that he had to have some sort of contact with you, knowing you were still in bed with him.

"I'll get it," Charlie mumbled, exhaustion filling his tone. That soft knock on the door always seemed to be his wake-up call, rolling over. He sat up in bed before suddenly rolling over again, this time hovering over you.

While you were busy pushing the hair out of your face, Charlie watched you while a sleepy smile spread across his lips.

"Almost forgot..." He hummed, pressing a soft kiss against your lips. "Good morning."

"Hi." Your lips curled into a smile.

"I'll be right back." He muttered low, pecking another kiss before jumping out of bed. He quickly threw on his sweatpants, his feet stomping against the floor as he headed towards the door.

As you sat up stretching, you could hear Charlie thanking whoever delivered breakfast. It wasn't long until you heard him wheeling a cart in, seeing that same shirtless sight again. It was definitely something you could get used to...

"Smells good." You sat up in bed, lifting the comforter up. While you wore one of Charlie's shirts, the morning chill made you desperate to cling onto whatever warmth you could. As you bundled up, you watched as he set the plates out like a buffet in front of you.

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