chapter thirty one: clandestine meetings and stolen stares

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Hi guys!! I'm SO sorry about the delay in this chapter! I've been busy lately but hopefully, this chapter makes up for it :)

As always, I love you guys and I hope you enjoy! My ko-fi link is listed below :)

Love, Dal


Things were different now. You told yourself over and over, this was an overused statement. But just because it was true, didn't mean it wasn't.

Over the last few days, you were taking time for yourself to forget certain things. The chill in the air that night or the words Nick whispered to you... It was something you actively thought about to not think about...

However, it was easily forgotten with Charlie around.

Charlie expressed his wishes for you to stay with him. Of course, while he explained, you were busy refusing his offer. The two of you bickered while he helped you pack a bag.

You knew you were going to hide from the world for a bit, which included missing classes for a while. Charlie even knew this, so why not hide out with someone who cared? Someone like him.

Of course, there were periods of the day you didn't see him. While he left for campus, you stayed behind, lounging in one of his shirts and studying from home.

You found a new routine that oddly felt similar. You found yourself being transported to New York, remembering your time together. Of course, things were obviously different. The two of you couldn't stroll the streets of LA hand in hand. He couldn't take his claim on you, holding your hand or holding you close to him.

He did, however, still made an effort to do so.

With each day you joined him, they were all the same. And with the aroma of coffee filling the bedroom, you thought it was just another one of those days.

Gathering enough strength, you peeled your eyes open, noting the other side of the bed was empty. While you peeled yourself out of bed, you walked into the kitchen and found Charlie reading the newspaper at the table.

It was always an amazing wake-up call considering you would see him sipping on his coffee while his glasses rested on the bridge of his nose. He always sensed your presence, putting the paper down and standing from his chair.

You were sure you looked particularly hideous this morning.

Your hair was frayed while you stumbled into the kitchen wearing nothing but your panties, a pair of socks, and his infamous red shirt spilling over you. That same red shirt you refused to give back. But he never seemed to mind that.

Through sleepy eyes, you watched Charlie make his way over to you, wrap his arm around your waist, and press a kiss against your forehead.

"Morning, sweetheart." His voice was still raspy from the morning, sounding delicious as always.

"Morning." You sleepily responded before your mouth stretched out into a yawn. While you struggled to shake the morning fog from your brain, Charlie took charge and poured a cup of coffee for you. He poured some creamer into your cup, mixing it until it was the perfect color for you.

"You hungry?" Charlie stood in front of you again, passing over your cup. He watched you eagerly sip the caffeine that was just handed to you.

"Coffee." You muttered out, taking another sip. You sounded like a zombie, groaning it out, but there was only truth to what you spoke. His chuckle filled your ears, motivating him to lean over and press another kiss, on your cheek this time.

"Sorry–" He broke out into another laugh before making his way back to his seat.

While he gathered the paper again, you took a seat beside him, sipping on your coffee until you were awake enough to start a conversation.

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