chapter seventeen: opening night

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For the last three years, you were used to living the same day over and over again. Keeping yourself busy with work and school, there weren't a lot of events that you attended while you lived in LA. At the time, you were never interested in what was going on.

If it was the end of the semester parties or social gatherings in the quad, you never thought it was worth it. Studying for your classes was your first priority.

It was your priority.

Coming up on your senior year, a few things were different for you now. Your goals of moving to Europe were the closest it's ever been, knowing all of your hard work would pay off soon. There was only one other thing that was different for you. You considered it a big one.

Charlie Barber.

Even during your toughest days, he was there to remind you to keep going. He was the one thing that kept your head up and the only warm feeling you felt in a town this cold.

Naturally, you were excited about opening night to his show. It would be the first time you left your apartment that didn't involve you working. It was also the last time you would see him before Thanksgiving break.

But you didn't want to make it about yourself.

This was a big night for Charlie, this being the first show he would direct since moving to California. You knew it probably wasn't easy for him, either. He was putting a lot of pressure on himself like he was still directing huge Broadway plays in New York City. You also felt like the fact that you would be there added extra pressure on him.

But that probably wasn't true.

You were already making your way over to the school, walking as the setting sun shined bright into your eyes. The low beats of your music played on your headphones as you continued your stride, walking down the path you've done so many times before. You were keeping your mind preoccupied until your phone buzzed with a phone call.

"Hello?" You tapped your screen, squinting your eyes as the wind picked up. Goosebumps spread across your skin, feeling the material of your skirt flowing around you.

"Hi, sweetheart." His voice was low in your ear, giving you another reason for your body to shiver.

"Shouldn't you be getting ready for the big show?" You laughed underneath your breath, a smile spread across your lips. When he didn't respond, your smile faded as you walked a little faster. "Is everything alright?"

"Yes..." He trailed off as a few passing voices came through on his side. Once they were out of earshot, you could hear his voice again only this time, it was much lower.

"Are you almost here?"

"Any minute now." You looked ahead of you, noticing the campus was only a short distance away. "I'm heading towards the theater now."

"Meet me in the back of the building."

"What? Why?" You slowed your stride, furrowing your brows like he could see them over the phone. You looked ahead of you, seeing the theater in the distance. There was already a line forming, not knowing it would be this big of a deal around campus.

"I want to make sure you have a good seat, sweetheart." His voice was practically in a whisper. "Don't keep me waiting."

The line went dead before your music started playing again, sucking in a breath as you rerouted to your new destination. Avoiding eye contact with the many students floating around campus, you tried your hardest to blend in.

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