chapter nineteen: thanksgiving

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It's that time again... IA day :)

I hope you guys are excited to see what this holiday (even though the timeline is off) holds with our favorite professor and student...

I do have a teeny tiny announcement for you guys... I'm looking into setting up an Etsy shop to sell stickers! It would mostly be IA stickers but for any BTC readers, I'll have some of those too! Maybe even some Kylo ones... But I'll keep you updated on that!!

Anyways, I'll let you guys enjoy the new chapter and enjoy your weekend!

Love, Dal


With your eyes fluttering open, you couldn't help but look out of your window. It looked like a beautiful morning, the birds chirping songs and the sun shining bright. As the wind whistled beside your window, it was probably going to be a perfect day...

So, the day was already annoying you.

Thanksgiving usually wasn't a bad holiday for you. Considering you didn't have anyone to spend it with, you had your own routine that you would do every year.

You knew working a double on a holiday didn't sound pleasing to most but to be fair, you made great money. Along with the bar never getting busy, it was the recipe to an actual perfect day.

Normally, you would be up way before the sun was. Being the only one working, you had to make sure everything was accounted for. While you stocked the bottles and wiped off the counter, your music played in your earbuds. It was only natural for you to dance along to the beat, using the broom handle as a microphone as you performed for the empty stools.

Once it was time to open up, you were back to being a bartender.

It wasn't only you that had odd holiday traditions. Some families went to events to run around town while others came for a day drink. It was strange but it was something you actually enjoyed, especially when April made her way in.

She would walk with an annoyed frown until the moment she laid eyes on you. While she carried a plate of leftovers, her wrinkled smile curled as she settled into her assigned bar stool. It was always the same, no matter what year it was. She would fix you a plate of food before she left from her sisters and make her way here.

"I was craving a drink after that big plate of food." April would slide over the food while you were already mixing her drink. When you were finished, you would slide the drink across the bar. She would then light a cigarette and talk about this year's drama with her family. She always made sure to keep you in the loop, venting while you ate behind the bar.

Other than the obvious money you were making, seeing April was a nice little treat for the day.

See? Your holiday routine wasn't so bad. You had people to spend your time with and you had a thanksgiving meal.

Of course, now that you weren't working, you wouldn't be subjected to those traditions any longer.

So, with the beautiful day conspiring against you, you decided it was time to get out of bed. You couldn't help the grumpy mood you were in, hoping a hot shower would help.

Walking into the bathroom, you turned the water on hoping the steam would cleanse you of your morning crabbiness. It didn't help that you were trying your best to avoid your phone.

Well, a certain someone, actually.

To be fair, you weren't trying to avoid him to be mean. If anything, you thought it would benefit him. Considering he would be spending the day with his family, you figured you should give him some space. Especially if he would be spending time with his son.

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