chapter seven: manhattan

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ONCE AGAIN IT IS 'ILLICIT AFFAIRS' DAY!!!! I hope you guys are just as excited for this chapter as I am!! This story means a lot to me and I'm so glad I get to share it with you guys!! I know the slow burn is hurting a few of you guys but just bare with me for a little longer... I promise it'll be worth your while ;)

For this chapter, I do have a tag for you guys to be mindful of!CW: masturbation

So, with that, I'll leave you guys to it!! -Dal 


Growing up, there were only a few things that kept you up at night. The occasional monster under your bed and the moving shadows that originated from outside of your window. A nightmare or two would jolt you awake, keeping you up for hours as you tossed and turned.

When you got older, you were up for different reasons.

Every decision you've made seemed to cling to your skin like a tattoo. All the mistakes and regret you had poured out of you, drowning you in your own guilt.

This time of night seemed to bring it out, thinking back to everything you've ever said or done. Filling with remorse only made it harder to fall asleep but tonight, there were other reasons you lied awake.

With your back against your mattress, your eyes were glued to the ceiling above you. As each minute passed, your chest rose and fell in a rhythmic pattern. At this time of night, the only things you could hear were your slow breaths and the subtle pounding of your heart against your chest.

The longer you laid there thinking about him, the louder it got. In fact, there wasn't a cell in your body that wasn'tthinking about the kiss you and Charlie shared earlier that night.

Every time you replayed the events in your mind, you could feel your stomach drop, shutting your eyes tight to relive the moment. You wanted to remember every single detail from the last few hours. The wrinkles in his shirt and the direction of the waves in his hair. The way your name fell off of his lips and how his hands wrapped around your hips. How it felt for his hand to graze yours and the way he looked across the table at you...

You especially wanted to remember the way his lips felt against yours.

Every time your reminiscing ended at that moment, you could feel heat spreading across your skin. Your breath hitched as your mouth went dry, fluttering your eyes shut as your body went on autopilot. Your thighs pressed together at the thought of him pulling you closer against him. It was a sort of ache originating deep within you and seeming to come from between your legs... A reaction you haven't felt in years.

As your fingers twitched by your side, you had to admit that it was embarrassing getting so hot from one kiss. Knowing that years had passed from the last time you were properly kissed, your body was bound to be hypersensitive about it.... Still, you weren't kissed like that.

That was the last straw, groaning as you dug the heels of your hands into your eyes. There was a part of you that wanted to forget about that kiss. It was obvious that it was already getting in the way of things, keeping you up late at night. Thinking about your professor in that way would bring nothing but trouble... But what if the other part of you didn't want to push it away?

With a shaky breath in, you shut your eyes, reimagining those moments in the library.

Sliding the book into the empty slot, slowly turning around before Charlie shoved his soft lips against yours.

While you laid in bed, you sucked a shallow breath in, feeling the heat in between your legs starting again. You lifted your hand to your chest, running your finger up and down your sternum. It was light as a feather over your t-shirt, but it was enough to send goosebumps over your entire body.

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