chapter eight: shared hatred for socks

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Friday yet again!! We are celebrating TWO things right now!!! 1. That it is 'illicit affairs' day and 2. WE HIT 4K!!! Now I know that doesn't seem like a lot, but the fact that you guys are willing to read what I put out and stick with my story?? It means a lot to me.
Stats or numbers don't matter when you're doing it for fun, but I just wanted to tell you guys thank you. Writing is really one of the best feelings in the world and it helps me tremendously. Just know I love each and every one of you!!

I'm so excited for you guys to read this one! There is a certain part in this chapter that was the VERY FIRST idea I had for this fic months and months ago!!

Make sure you check out the links at the end if you want more content from me! I hope you guys enjoy it and have a good night/day!!

Love, Dal.


You tried to separate things. If you didn't, this whole... thing would start to get difficult.

Organizing was easy. If it was putting things where they belonged, how hard could it be? If a fork belonged in a kitchen, you store it with all the other utensils. You don't leave it lying around in the bathroom. See? Easy.

You just had to use that same concept here.

Professor Barber was someone you didn't know. He was nothing but an educator to you, an intimidating man just wanting to teach his students what he could. The students would fear his judgment, avoiding eye contact when he looked in their general vicinity. He would pace back and forth in front of the class, waiting for someone, anyone to participate.

Usually, that someone was Amber.

Outside of the classroom he was a completely different person. Each night, Charlie joined you in the library, his lingering eye landing on yours until he thought of another one of his questions for you to answer. His fingers would eventually graze against yours, like a feather against the skin. There was, of course, his lips. Soft and plump, something you would never forget, even after just one kiss... If you were going to make it through this, you had to compartmentalize.

Unfortunately, it was going to be hard when he didn't get the memo.

Professor Barber was in the middle of his lecture, asking the students their thoughts about Doctor Zhivago.

Amber was first to speak, unsurprisingly, talking about how the heart knows what it wants. While she went on, that's when you felt a familiar gaze looking in your direction. You were trying to be a good student, listening to what Amber had to say. No matter how much she annoyed you, you owed her that. But when you could feel someone staring at you, you turned your head to verify it.

When you found Charlie's eyes on yours, your breath caught in your throat, your jaw tightening as his eyes lowered to your legs under your desk. Your stomach dropped the longer his gaze stayed, fighting every urge to adjust in your seat.

"Is that right, sir?" Amber's question yanked you away from each other, your heart seeming to skip a beat as Professor Barber turned his head in her direction.

"Yes." He hissed through his teeth, obviously not listening to anything she was saying. You watched a satisfied grin spread across Amber's lips, pleased with herself as she sat up straight in her seat. You watched as Professor Barber walked over to his podium, looking at the watch wrapped around his wrist.

"Let's dismiss a few minutes early." His voice ricocheted around the room, nodding his head as some of the students thanked him.

You were trying your best to stay focused, packing your bag as you tried to ignore the six-foot-something professor watching you. You kept your eyes low as you threw your backpack on, watching your feet as you climbed the steps, counting down the remaining feet you had until you made it past the door.

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