chapter eleven: the world of charlie barber

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Merry Christmas Eve my lovely 'IA' readers!! It is that time again! Now that things are picking up with our favorite professor, you guys aren't yelling at me anymore about the slow burn (lol)I'm so excited for you guys to see what I have under my sleeve for 'IA' and for so many other things!

I hope you enjoy your holiday, whether you celebrate or not, and spend some time with your families! Dal will, unfortunately, be working Christmas Day! IF you guys wanted to give me anything (obviously you don't have to), you can buy me a coffee since you know how caffeine-dependent I am :( The link to my ko-fi will be listed below :)

Anyways!! Let's get into it, shall we? All my love, Dal


Reading was something you loved to do. That was fairly obvious given the growing collection of books you had. The bookshelf sitting in your apartment was the only part of home you had here in LA, filling the shelves with books that were once your parents.

When you were younger, you would tag along with your parents. While they were quietly tucked behind their desks, you would switch back and forth between their collections. With a book in your hand and your legs propped up against the wall, it was the one place to be.

Speeding through both of their collections, that's what eventually sparked your choice for career goals.

Majoring in History and minoring in World Arts and Cultures, it was the perfect combination of the two people you missed the most.

Reading gave you a reason to escape the world around you, entering into the one described on the pages in front of you. It introduced you to so many things, teaching you something on every page. It was a chance to get away from your current situation, shifting your worries towards the plot typed across the page.

When you finished one of the countless books on your shelves, you couldn't help but feel sad. Feeling ripped away from the world you grew to love, you weren't ready for it to be over. A sense of defeat always washed over you, realizing you would never get to experience it for the first time again.

No matter how empty you felt after, it was what you loved most about it. It was a chance to forget about all of the stress you had sitting on your shoulders and to focus on anything other than the constant to-do list replaying in your mind.

Every time you finished a book, you wondered what story would be next. What pages would be waiting for your discovery?

Though lately, you weren't exploring books. There was a new world you were getting lost in.

Now, you were lost in the World of Charlie Barber.

Over the weekend, the dinner with Charlie replayed in your mind over and over. It didn't matter what you were doing, Charlie lived in your head. Even while you worked on your homework or poured a few drinks at the bar, he was the only thing you could think about.

You couldn't get the images out of your head and frankly, you didn't want to even if you tried. The thoughts of his lips calling your name and his wandering hands against your body? It was a world you never wanted to leave.

Now that you were walking onto campus Monday morning, your head was swarming with tainted thoughts about the six-foot-something professor you would see later that day. Every time you walked past a group of students, you caught drift of their conversation about the earthquake over the weekend. It was only a reminder of the way he held you close.

It was a chore to forget the way his body felt against yours, taking a seat in your first class. Your head filled with memories of his grunts mixed with your moans, trying to focus on the test packet in front of you.

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